Trenutno obavezna makroskopska vizualna inspekcija mesa ne moţe detektirati najĉešće patogene koje se prenose svinjskim mesom (Salmonella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica i Toxoplasma gondii). Uzevši u obzir zahtjevnost, dugotrajnost i kompliciranost izvoĊenja konvencionalnih laboratorijskih mikrobioloških pretraga na Yersinia enterocolitica i Salmonella spp., te nedostatak pogodne praktiĉne metode za direktnu detekciju Toxoplasma gondii, brojne mogućnosti i prilike predviĊaju se u primjeni serologije mesnog soka kao neizravne metode praćenja prisutnosti rizika s obzirom na navedene patogene. Cilj ovog istraţivanja je utvrditi seroprevalenciju navedenih patogena u promatranoj populaciji svinja u Hrvatskoj te analizirati opravdanost primjene se...
Pork has been identified as one of the food source(s) for human exposure to Toxoplasma gondii. This ...
Ingestion of undercooked meat is a major risk factor for human toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by th...
Toxoplasmosis is a global zoonosis caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Detection of ...
The seroprevalence of Salmonella spp., pathogenic Yersinia spp., Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella s...
Postoje brojni patogeni uzročnici koji se mogu prenijeti mesom, poput Toxoplasma gondii, Salmonella ...
Prema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO), bolesti prenosive hranom predstavljaju narast...
Toxoplasma gondii, hepatitis E virus (HEV), and Salmonella are zoonotic foodborne pathogens that may...
The association between positive serology and culture detection of Yersinia spp. in individual pigs ...
Toxoplasma gondii is considered one of the most successful parasites of humans and animals. The inge...
QIAGEN Leipzig developed the pigtype product line of ELISA tests for screening for swine zoonoses. T...
Toxoplasma gondii has a worldwide distribution and usually is not detected macroscopically by tradit...
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ELISA-Techniken zum Zwecke von Bestandscharakterisierungen in Hinblick au...
Toxoplasmosis is one of the most important zoonotic diseases worldwide and is caused by the protozoa...
Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se utvrdi zastupljenost salmonela u uzorcima briseva sa trupova...
Toxoplasma gondii is parasitic coccidia capable of invading almost every species, including humans. ...
Pork has been identified as one of the food source(s) for human exposure to Toxoplasma gondii. This ...
Ingestion of undercooked meat is a major risk factor for human toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by th...
Toxoplasmosis is a global zoonosis caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Detection of ...
The seroprevalence of Salmonella spp., pathogenic Yersinia spp., Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella s...
Postoje brojni patogeni uzročnici koji se mogu prenijeti mesom, poput Toxoplasma gondii, Salmonella ...
Prema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO), bolesti prenosive hranom predstavljaju narast...
Toxoplasma gondii, hepatitis E virus (HEV), and Salmonella are zoonotic foodborne pathogens that may...
The association between positive serology and culture detection of Yersinia spp. in individual pigs ...
Toxoplasma gondii is considered one of the most successful parasites of humans and animals. The inge...
QIAGEN Leipzig developed the pigtype product line of ELISA tests for screening for swine zoonoses. T...
Toxoplasma gondii has a worldwide distribution and usually is not detected macroscopically by tradit...
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ELISA-Techniken zum Zwecke von Bestandscharakterisierungen in Hinblick au...
Toxoplasmosis is one of the most important zoonotic diseases worldwide and is caused by the protozoa...
Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se utvrdi zastupljenost salmonela u uzorcima briseva sa trupova...
Toxoplasma gondii is parasitic coccidia capable of invading almost every species, including humans. ...
Pork has been identified as one of the food source(s) for human exposure to Toxoplasma gondii. This ...
Ingestion of undercooked meat is a major risk factor for human toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by th...
Toxoplasmosis is a global zoonosis caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Detection of ...