Ovaj diplomski rad bit će usredotočen na analizu Sonate romántice meksičkoga skladatelja Manuela Poncea. Ovim radom želim istaknuti kompozicijsku vrijednost ove sonate koja spada u sami vrh gitarističke literature. Djelo je napisano u stilu austrijskog skladatelja Franza Schuberta te ću tijekom analize ukazati na pojedine skladateljske postupke koji povezuju Poncea i Schuberta.This thesis will focus on the analysis of the Sonata romántica by the Mexican composer Manuel Ponce. With this thesis, I want to highlight the compositional value of this sonata, which belongs to the very top of the guitar literature. The piece was written in the style of the Austrian composer Franz Schubert, and during the analysis I will point out certain compositio...