Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas Europos Sąjungos šalių narių socialinės ir klimato politikos santykis bei nagrinėjama ekosocialinės valstybės koncepcija. Tiriama, ar didesnės valstybės pastangos socialinėje srityje yra susijusios su labiau išplėtota klimato politika, ar kaip tik daugiau dėmesio vienai plotmei reiškia mažiau įsipareigojimo kitai. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad valstybės, kurios skiria santykinai didelį finansavimą tradicinėms socialinėms problemoms, pasiekia geresnių rezultatų prisitaikydamos prie klimato kaitos ir mažindamos bei švelnindamos jos neigiamą poveikį. ES šalių narių klasteriai pagal socialinius ir klimato rodiklius yra artimi šių šalių narystei tradicinėje gerovės valstybių klasifikacijoje. Taip pat nustatyta, ka...
The problem of climate change is one of the most important concerns for humanity nowadays. Every cou...
The article considers the climate policy of the Baltic region countries. The reasons and factors for...
Toplumdaki kişiler ve kurumlar arasında karşılıklı güvene dayalı olarak gerçekleşen ilişkilerin ekon...
This article analyzes the relationship between the social and climate policies of the European Union...
This article analyzes the relationship between the social and climate policies of the European Union...
ÖZETBu tezin amacı Avrupa Birliği’nin küresel çevre problemlerinde ne kadar etkin ve aktif bir rol o...
AbstractSocial policy development of the European Union has become an increasingly important aspect ...
Maģistra darbs „Eiropas Savienības loma starptautiskajā klimata politikā: 2009.-2013.gada izvērtējum...
The article considers the climate policy of the Baltic region countries. The reasons and factors for...
Monografijoje atskleistas politinių, ekonominių ir socialinių permainų sąlygotos Europos Sąjungos so...
The focus of the dissertation is based on the previous research of a relatively new field of environ...
A broad variety of measures have been used to minimize pollution and increase the effectiveness of t...
Although the global economic crisis and significant geopolitical changes have overshadowed the globa...
The most important objective of the ES cohesion policy is the convergence of lifestyle of new and ol...
JANOUŠEK, Václav. EU ETS jako nástroj klimatické politiky EU a jeho porovnání s klimatickou politiko...
The problem of climate change is one of the most important concerns for humanity nowadays. Every cou...
The article considers the climate policy of the Baltic region countries. The reasons and factors for...
Toplumdaki kişiler ve kurumlar arasında karşılıklı güvene dayalı olarak gerçekleşen ilişkilerin ekon...
This article analyzes the relationship between the social and climate policies of the European Union...
This article analyzes the relationship between the social and climate policies of the European Union...
ÖZETBu tezin amacı Avrupa Birliği’nin küresel çevre problemlerinde ne kadar etkin ve aktif bir rol o...
AbstractSocial policy development of the European Union has become an increasingly important aspect ...
Maģistra darbs „Eiropas Savienības loma starptautiskajā klimata politikā: 2009.-2013.gada izvērtējum...
The article considers the climate policy of the Baltic region countries. The reasons and factors for...
Monografijoje atskleistas politinių, ekonominių ir socialinių permainų sąlygotos Europos Sąjungos so...
The focus of the dissertation is based on the previous research of a relatively new field of environ...
A broad variety of measures have been used to minimize pollution and increase the effectiveness of t...
Although the global economic crisis and significant geopolitical changes have overshadowed the globa...
The most important objective of the ES cohesion policy is the convergence of lifestyle of new and ol...
JANOUŠEK, Václav. EU ETS jako nástroj klimatické politiky EU a jeho porovnání s klimatickou politiko...
The problem of climate change is one of the most important concerns for humanity nowadays. Every cou...
The article considers the climate policy of the Baltic region countries. The reasons and factors for...
Toplumdaki kişiler ve kurumlar arasında karşılıklı güvene dayalı olarak gerçekleşen ilişkilerin ekon...