Šiuo metu daug meno požymių, formų, žanrų, šakų ir net pavienių kūrinių irimo bei nykimo procesų vadinama meno krize arba net „mirtimi", taip ne tik atskleidžiami empiriniai šių reiškinių faktai, bet dažnai ir diskvalifikuojami tyrinėtojo principams, skoniui bei įsitikinimams svetimi meno reiškiniai. Kadangi tyrinėtojų principai ir skoniai rodo istorinių vertybių konfliktą, per juos atsiveria fundamentalūs meno, kartu ir visos kultūros lūžiai. Tradicionalistai žlungančiu, dekadentiniu, mirštančiu menu laiko avangardizmą, modernizmą, postmodernizmą, o modernistai - klasiką. Pastarojo meto Lietuvos menotyra prisimena, kad kalbėta apie meno mirtį, aptariant naujų idėjų ir išraiškos priemonių stoką. Naujumas - meno kitimo šaltinis ir viena iš j...
International audienceThe present catalogue includes several works that are related to the end or th...
This essay discusses problems on the death of art Hegel interchangeably held in his Lectures on Aest...
Aesthetics as the philosophy of art thus bears the idea alluded to by Hegel and developed by Croce, ...
The article deals with the concept of the death of art in Adorno's "Aesthetic Theory". The peculiari...
The death of art has been a notion used in connection with the development and progress of art. This...
Art has always been anchored in the task to create idealities. Traditional aesthetics expressed thi...
1980'lerin başından beri, sanat üzerine düşünürken kullandığımız kategorilerde önemli bir değişim ya...
The article deals with the problem of death and the end of art. The discourse on the subject is stil...
Este ensayo se propone explorar la problemática de la muerte del arte, planteamiento que desarrollar...
Darbā tiek pētīts jautājums, ko Hēgelis domājis, piedēvējot mākslai ,,pagājības” raksturu un kā viņa...
Concezione dell'arte in Hegel. Il sistema delle arti. Forme storiche dellì'arte. Il problema della o...
La tesi hegeliana del carattere passato dell’arte, conosciuta come morte dell’arte, è tra i temi più...
O problema da morte da arte atravessa praticamente toda a história artística moderna. As preleções s...
Heidegger\u27s On the Origin of the Work of Art tackles Hegel\u27s death of art, particularly in the...
Hegel is one of the few thinkers who has thought about the art of sculpture. He has spoken concisely...
International audienceThe present catalogue includes several works that are related to the end or th...
This essay discusses problems on the death of art Hegel interchangeably held in his Lectures on Aest...
Aesthetics as the philosophy of art thus bears the idea alluded to by Hegel and developed by Croce, ...
The article deals with the concept of the death of art in Adorno's "Aesthetic Theory". The peculiari...
The death of art has been a notion used in connection with the development and progress of art. This...
Art has always been anchored in the task to create idealities. Traditional aesthetics expressed thi...
1980'lerin başından beri, sanat üzerine düşünürken kullandığımız kategorilerde önemli bir değişim ya...
The article deals with the problem of death and the end of art. The discourse on the subject is stil...
Este ensayo se propone explorar la problemática de la muerte del arte, planteamiento que desarrollar...
Darbā tiek pētīts jautājums, ko Hēgelis domājis, piedēvējot mākslai ,,pagājības” raksturu un kā viņa...
Concezione dell'arte in Hegel. Il sistema delle arti. Forme storiche dellì'arte. Il problema della o...
La tesi hegeliana del carattere passato dell’arte, conosciuta come morte dell’arte, è tra i temi più...
O problema da morte da arte atravessa praticamente toda a história artística moderna. As preleções s...
Heidegger\u27s On the Origin of the Work of Art tackles Hegel\u27s death of art, particularly in the...
Hegel is one of the few thinkers who has thought about the art of sculpture. He has spoken concisely...
International audienceThe present catalogue includes several works that are related to the end or th...
This essay discusses problems on the death of art Hegel interchangeably held in his Lectures on Aest...
Aesthetics as the philosophy of art thus bears the idea alluded to by Hegel and developed by Croce, ...