Šio straipsnio tikslas yra pristatyti, išsamiai aptarti ir kritiškai reflektuoti palyginus naują ir aktualų biomedijų konceptą, leidžiantį panaikinti (tariamą) dichotomiją tarp technologijų ir kūno. Pačia bendriausia prasme, biomedijos yra apibrėžtinos kaip toks medijavimo būdas, kai medijos tiesiogiai veikia biologinę kūno dimensiją, transformuodamos ją, ir vice versa. Straipsnio pradžioje pristatomas biomedijų radimosi kontekstas – kontrolės visuomenės (Gilles’is Deleuze’as). Pirmoje dalyje apžvelgiama biomedijų sampratos genezė bei aptariamos dvi biomedijų konceptualizavimo paradigmos – epistemologinė („tamsiųjų medijų“ (Eugene’as Thackeris)) ir etinė („pilkųjų medijų“ (Matthew Fulleris, Andrew Goffey)). Antroje straipsnio dalyje išryški...
This dissertation began as an attempt to understand how biomedical concepts and practices, which und...
This dissertation began as an attempt to understand how biomedical concepts and practices, which und...
This study examines what meaning biomedia used in bioart has in the context of media. First, we look...
In this essay I focus on the problem of biomedia with its ability to enable biosurveillance and bioc...
Lately, the studies of biopolitics and biopower have risen significantly. It is an old issue, which ...
Darbā “Estētika un biovara: ķermenis kā mākslas objekts” aplūkota saikne starp biovaras konceptu un ...
Gimus bioetikai, jos pionieriai ir kiti šioje srityje dirbantys ekspertai išreiškė viltį, kad medici...
In the article we discuss the meaning of the body in its material dimension in relation to its trans...
The article proposes the profound transformations of contemporary bios/zoé and the implications for ...
Trends in the development of Science and technology in the XX century led to the emergence of new te...
The aim of the article is to show the complex relationships between the human body and new technolog...
In the era marked by the universal fascination and the naïve, “mesianistic” belief in the salvationa...
After tactical media became less important, many media activist projects repositioned themselves: in...
Medical image as “phenomenon”. Body in relation to non-human agencies in selected post-media project...
The quantification of bodies serves an ambivalent purpose in the political economy of promise of ne...
This dissertation began as an attempt to understand how biomedical concepts and practices, which und...
This dissertation began as an attempt to understand how biomedical concepts and practices, which und...
This study examines what meaning biomedia used in bioart has in the context of media. First, we look...
In this essay I focus on the problem of biomedia with its ability to enable biosurveillance and bioc...
Lately, the studies of biopolitics and biopower have risen significantly. It is an old issue, which ...
Darbā “Estētika un biovara: ķermenis kā mākslas objekts” aplūkota saikne starp biovaras konceptu un ...
Gimus bioetikai, jos pionieriai ir kiti šioje srityje dirbantys ekspertai išreiškė viltį, kad medici...
In the article we discuss the meaning of the body in its material dimension in relation to its trans...
The article proposes the profound transformations of contemporary bios/zoé and the implications for ...
Trends in the development of Science and technology in the XX century led to the emergence of new te...
The aim of the article is to show the complex relationships between the human body and new technolog...
In the era marked by the universal fascination and the naïve, “mesianistic” belief in the salvationa...
After tactical media became less important, many media activist projects repositioned themselves: in...
Medical image as “phenomenon”. Body in relation to non-human agencies in selected post-media project...
The quantification of bodies serves an ambivalent purpose in the political economy of promise of ne...
This dissertation began as an attempt to understand how biomedical concepts and practices, which und...
This dissertation began as an attempt to understand how biomedical concepts and practices, which und...
This study examines what meaning biomedia used in bioart has in the context of media. First, we look...