In investing, investors will try to limit all the risks in managing their investments. Investor strategies to minimize investment risk are diversification by forming investment portfolios, one of which is the Mean-Variance without risk-free assets. The calculation results will show the composition of the optimum portfolio return for each stock that forms the portfolio. Optimum portfolio obtained with wT = (0.39853, 0.25519, 0.13644, 0.09788, 0.11196) sequential weight composition for TLKM, KLBF, INCO, HRUM, and FILM stocks. The composition of this optimal portfolio return is ???? 0.04 with a return of 0.00209 and a portfolio variance of 0.00015. The formation of this portfolio optimization model is expected to be additional literature in op...
An investor who wants to invest by avoiding risk makes investors tend to choose investments with the...
Fund investment activities in the capital market required expertise to minimize the investmen...
Investment in the capital market is now an interesting thing for the Indonesian people. Beside being...
Forming a portfolio is a strategy that is often carried out by investors in risky investment conditi...
Investment is an allocation of money, stocks, mutual funds, or other valuable resources provided by ...
The stock portfolio is related to how someone allocates several shares in various types of investmen...
Stock investment is an investment in securities with the hope of getting profits in the future. Inve...
Nowadays, investing in stocks is in great demand, especially among young people in Indonesia. In inv...
A common problem that often occurs in investment is the selection of the optimal portfolio according...
The objective to be achieved in this study is to analyze the extent to which the return and risk of ...
Optimization models play a critical role in determining portfolio strategies for investors. The tr...
In this study, Markowitz mean-variance approach is tested on Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST). 252 day...
This research was conducted to determine the composition of the stock portfolio formed by the Random...
The investment world is currently experiencing a significant increase because many people are aware...
Constructing optimal portfolio to the desired expected return is one of the main concerns of every i...
An investor who wants to invest by avoiding risk makes investors tend to choose investments with the...
Fund investment activities in the capital market required expertise to minimize the investmen...
Investment in the capital market is now an interesting thing for the Indonesian people. Beside being...
Forming a portfolio is a strategy that is often carried out by investors in risky investment conditi...
Investment is an allocation of money, stocks, mutual funds, or other valuable resources provided by ...
The stock portfolio is related to how someone allocates several shares in various types of investmen...
Stock investment is an investment in securities with the hope of getting profits in the future. Inve...
Nowadays, investing in stocks is in great demand, especially among young people in Indonesia. In inv...
A common problem that often occurs in investment is the selection of the optimal portfolio according...
The objective to be achieved in this study is to analyze the extent to which the return and risk of ...
Optimization models play a critical role in determining portfolio strategies for investors. The tr...
In this study, Markowitz mean-variance approach is tested on Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST). 252 day...
This research was conducted to determine the composition of the stock portfolio formed by the Random...
The investment world is currently experiencing a significant increase because many people are aware...
Constructing optimal portfolio to the desired expected return is one of the main concerns of every i...
An investor who wants to invest by avoiding risk makes investors tend to choose investments with the...
Fund investment activities in the capital market required expertise to minimize the investmen...
Investment in the capital market is now an interesting thing for the Indonesian people. Beside being...