Penyebaran Corona Virus (COVID 19) telah mengubah sistim pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah. Untuk mengatasi penyebaran COVID 19 maka pengajaran bahasa Inggris dilaksanakan secara online. Salah satu metode yang diterapkan di SMK N 3 Payakumbuh adalah metode Blended Learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mendeskripsikan perspektif siwa SMK terhadap Blended Learning dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancanagn deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK N 3 Payakumbuh. Purposif sampling teknik digunakan denga jumlah sample 60 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu angket yang sudah mempehatikan validitas dan reliabitas. ...
Blended learning merupakan metode pembelajaran yang menggabungkan antara pembelajaran tatap muka den...
The background of this thesis research is the existence of a virus outbreak that has occurred throug...
The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perspectives on learning speaking skills using...
Due to Covid-19, students are required to study online at home, and currently, in the New Normal Era...
The policy of remote learning (PJJ) during the COVID-19 pandemic caused new problems for the student...
Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana guru bahasa Inggris menerapkan Blended Learn...
The improbability of continuing the traditional classroom during the pandemic Covid-19 caused ...
Learning activities during pandemic covid-19 were implemented using online learning. However, many a...
Proses pembelajaran memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai....
This study aims to describe the application of the blended learning model to class X OTP 1 student a...
Suasana mencekam akibat wabah virus Covid-19. Beberpa sekolah terpaksa diliburkan oleh pemerintah da...
COVID-19 telah mengubah proses pembelajaran secara signifikan, karena sebagian lembaga pendidikan me...
This research aims to describe students perception of blended learning in speaking on professional c...
Abstrak: Kegiatan sosialisasi blended learning untuk mendukung pembelajaran dalam masa pandemi di SM...
This research aims to know how the students’ perception of blended learning toward Public Listening ...
Blended learning merupakan metode pembelajaran yang menggabungkan antara pembelajaran tatap muka den...
The background of this thesis research is the existence of a virus outbreak that has occurred throug...
The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perspectives on learning speaking skills using...
Due to Covid-19, students are required to study online at home, and currently, in the New Normal Era...
The policy of remote learning (PJJ) during the COVID-19 pandemic caused new problems for the student...
Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana guru bahasa Inggris menerapkan Blended Learn...
The improbability of continuing the traditional classroom during the pandemic Covid-19 caused ...
Learning activities during pandemic covid-19 were implemented using online learning. However, many a...
Proses pembelajaran memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai....
This study aims to describe the application of the blended learning model to class X OTP 1 student a...
Suasana mencekam akibat wabah virus Covid-19. Beberpa sekolah terpaksa diliburkan oleh pemerintah da...
COVID-19 telah mengubah proses pembelajaran secara signifikan, karena sebagian lembaga pendidikan me...
This research aims to describe students perception of blended learning in speaking on professional c...
Abstrak: Kegiatan sosialisasi blended learning untuk mendukung pembelajaran dalam masa pandemi di SM...
This research aims to know how the students’ perception of blended learning toward Public Listening ...
Blended learning merupakan metode pembelajaran yang menggabungkan antara pembelajaran tatap muka den...
The background of this thesis research is the existence of a virus outbreak that has occurred throug...
The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perspectives on learning speaking skills using...