Hakekat dari hak privasi terhadap data pribadi adalah hak kosntitusional warga negara Indonesia yang telah diatur dalam UUDNRI Tahun 1945 khususnya pada pasal 28 huruf G ayat (1). Bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap data sebagai privasi di Indonesia saat ini menerapkan beberapa pasal yang tersirat mengatur mengenai data pribadi. Indonesia belum memiliki peraturan perundang – undangan khusus yang menjadi dasar hukum perindungan data pribadi sehingga saat ini Indonesia memiliki kekosongan norma. Hak konstitusional adalah kewajiban dari suatu negara terhadap warga negaranya. Di Indonesia saat ini banyak terjadi permasalahan hukum yang menyalahgunakan data pribadi seseorang untuk kepentingan pribadi. Tetapi, saat ini penanganan permasalahan hu...
Muhammad Aufa Adjieputra, Shinta Hadiyantina, Triya Indra Rahmawan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawij...
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi berbagai bidang aspek kehidupan, salah satu efek dari p...
The development of information technology in the era of globalization makes it easier for people to ...
Perlindungan data pribadi sebagai bagian dari perlindungan diri pribadi yang diamanatkan dalamPasal ...
Data privacy protection as a part of personal privacy protection stated in Article 28Gparagraph 1 Th...
Protection of personal data as closely related to the protection of personal and private rights. Ind...
AbstractThe right to privacy is a personal right of every individual which must be protected by the ...
ABSTRACT Abstracts For some people personal data is a sensitive matter. This personal data must get...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaturan perlindungan hukum kepemilikan data kependudukan di...
The development of Information Technology provides extraordinary benefits for life in making it easi...
Personal data is individual data that is stored, maintained, and kept true and also protected by con...
In the history of its development, privacy is a concept that is universal and recognized in various ...
The construction of regulations related to privacy protection has actually been known for a long tim...
Personal Data Protection is the right of humans, constitutionally the state’s obligation to respect...
ABSTRACT Increased progress in data and correspondence innovation of which the internet network is ...
Muhammad Aufa Adjieputra, Shinta Hadiyantina, Triya Indra Rahmawan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawij...
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi berbagai bidang aspek kehidupan, salah satu efek dari p...
The development of information technology in the era of globalization makes it easier for people to ...
Perlindungan data pribadi sebagai bagian dari perlindungan diri pribadi yang diamanatkan dalamPasal ...
Data privacy protection as a part of personal privacy protection stated in Article 28Gparagraph 1 Th...
Protection of personal data as closely related to the protection of personal and private rights. Ind...
AbstractThe right to privacy is a personal right of every individual which must be protected by the ...
ABSTRACT Abstracts For some people personal data is a sensitive matter. This personal data must get...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaturan perlindungan hukum kepemilikan data kependudukan di...
The development of Information Technology provides extraordinary benefits for life in making it easi...
Personal data is individual data that is stored, maintained, and kept true and also protected by con...
In the history of its development, privacy is a concept that is universal and recognized in various ...
The construction of regulations related to privacy protection has actually been known for a long tim...
Personal Data Protection is the right of humans, constitutionally the state’s obligation to respect...
ABSTRACT Increased progress in data and correspondence innovation of which the internet network is ...
Muhammad Aufa Adjieputra, Shinta Hadiyantina, Triya Indra Rahmawan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawij...
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi berbagai bidang aspek kehidupan, salah satu efek dari p...
The development of information technology in the era of globalization makes it easier for people to ...