Микробиом, имунная система и рак: три стороны одной медали

  • V. A. Belyavskaya
  • N. V. Cherdyntseva
  • J. G. Kzhyshkovska
  • N. V. Litvyakov
  • В. А. Белявская
  • Н. В. Чердынцева
  • Ю. Г. Кжышковска
  • Н. В. Литвяков
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Publication date
January 2023
Tomsk Cancer Research Institute


Purpose of the study to analyze current ideas about the relationship between the microbiota (microbiome) and the human body in the aspect of cancer pathogenesis, ambivalent character of these interactions, and the role of the immune system and immunoinfammatory status that promotes carcinogenesis or prevents neoplastic processes.Material and Methods. Literature search was carried out using Medline, Cochrane Library, Elibrary and PubMed systems, including publications over the last 7 years.Results. The microbiota includes all communities of commensal, symbiotic, and pathogenic microorganisms: bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viruses that colonize the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and tissues. The microbiome is an important factor in c...

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