Kinetics of Immunolatex Deposition at Abiotic Surfaces under Flow Conditions: Towards Quantitative Agglutination Assays

  • Paulina Żeliszewska
  • Jolanta Szych
  • Monika Wasilewska
  • Zbigniew Adamczyk
Publication date
December 2022
International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Physicochemical properties of immunolatex, prepared by incubation of negatively charged polystyrene microparticles with polyclonal rabbit IgGs, were determined by a variety of experimental techniques. These comprised dynamic light scattering (DLS), laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The particle diffusion coefficient, the hydrodynamic diameter, the electrophoretic mobility, the zeta potential and the suspension stability were determined as a function of pH for different ionic strengths. The deposition of the immunolatex on bare and polyallylamine (PAH) functionalized mica was investigated using the microfluidic oblique impinging-jet cell, with an in situ, real-time image analysis module. The particle depositi...

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