The theta vacuum in QCD is the standard vacuum, twisted by the exponential of the Chern-Simons term. But what is the quantum operator $U(g)$ for winding number $1$? We construct $U(g)$ in this note. The Poincare' rotation generators commute with it only if they are augmented by the spin 1/2 representation of the Lorentz group coming from large gauge transformations. This result is analogous to the 'spin-isopin' mixing result due to Jackiw and Rebbi [1], and Hasenfratz and 't Hooft[2] and a similar result in fuzzy physics [3]. Hence states can drastically affect representations of observables. This fact is further shown by charged states dressed by infrared clouds. Following Mund, Rehren and Schroer [4], we find that Lorentz invariance i...
In this paper, we prove that any translation and $su(2)$-invariant pure state of $\mathbb{M}=\otimes...
We calculate the spectral statistics of the Kramers-Weyl Hamiltonian $H=v\sum_{\alpha} \sigma_\alpha...
We consider a deformation of 3D lattice gauge theory in the canonical picture, first classically, ba...
We consider a gauge theory on the 5-d $\kappa$-Minkowski which can be viewed as the noncommutative a...
We discuss topologically massive QED --- the Abelian gauge theory in which (2+1)-dimensional QED wit...
All elementary particles in nature can be classified as fermions with half-integer spin and bosons w...
We characterise a class of SU(2) gluonic field configurations in the modified axial gauge where a ze...
We envisage many-body systems that can be described by quantum spin-chain Hamiltonians with a trivia...
It has been known for some time that there are many inequivalent quantizations possible when the con...
Different realizations of the Hubbard operators in different Hilbert spaces give rise to various mic...
The role of the $U(1)_A$ anomaly in QCD phenomenology is reviewed, focusing on the relation between ...
Motivated by the $\Omega$-spectrum proposal of unique gapped ground states by Kitaev, we study adiab...
We consider general fermionic quantum field theories with a global finite group symmetry $G$, focusi...
We derive the stabiliser group of the four-vector, also known as Wigner's little group, in case of m...
We study observables on group elements in the Ponzano-Regge model. We show that these observables ha...
In this paper, we prove that any translation and $su(2)$-invariant pure state of $\mathbb{M}=\otimes...
We calculate the spectral statistics of the Kramers-Weyl Hamiltonian $H=v\sum_{\alpha} \sigma_\alpha...
We consider a deformation of 3D lattice gauge theory in the canonical picture, first classically, ba...
We consider a gauge theory on the 5-d $\kappa$-Minkowski which can be viewed as the noncommutative a...
We discuss topologically massive QED --- the Abelian gauge theory in which (2+1)-dimensional QED wit...
All elementary particles in nature can be classified as fermions with half-integer spin and bosons w...
We characterise a class of SU(2) gluonic field configurations in the modified axial gauge where a ze...
We envisage many-body systems that can be described by quantum spin-chain Hamiltonians with a trivia...
It has been known for some time that there are many inequivalent quantizations possible when the con...
Different realizations of the Hubbard operators in different Hilbert spaces give rise to various mic...
The role of the $U(1)_A$ anomaly in QCD phenomenology is reviewed, focusing on the relation between ...
Motivated by the $\Omega$-spectrum proposal of unique gapped ground states by Kitaev, we study adiab...
We consider general fermionic quantum field theories with a global finite group symmetry $G$, focusi...
We derive the stabiliser group of the four-vector, also known as Wigner's little group, in case of m...
We study observables on group elements in the Ponzano-Regge model. We show that these observables ha...
In this paper, we prove that any translation and $su(2)$-invariant pure state of $\mathbb{M}=\otimes...
We calculate the spectral statistics of the Kramers-Weyl Hamiltonian $H=v\sum_{\alpha} \sigma_\alpha...
We consider a deformation of 3D lattice gauge theory in the canonical picture, first classically, ba...