Lubricating properties of chewing stimulated whole saliva from patients suffering from xerostomia

  • Vinke, Jeroen
  • Oude Elberink, Marijn
  • Stokman, Monique A
  • Kroese, Frans G M
  • Nazmi, Kamran
  • Bikker, Floris J
  • van der Mei, Henny C
  • Vissink, Arjan
  • Sharma, Prashant K
Publication date
July 2021
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to quantify the lubricating properties of chewing stimulated whole saliva from healthy controls (n = 22), from patients suffering from primary Sjögren's syndrome (n = 37) and from patients undergoing head-and-neck radiotherapy (n = 34). MATERIALS AND METHODS: All participants had to complete the Xerostomia Inventory questionnaire to score dry mouth sensation. Lubrication was measured using an ex vivo tongue-enamel friction system in terms of Relief and Relief period. MUC5b and total protein concentrations of the saliva samples were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and a bicinchoninic acid assay, respectively. RESULTS: Relief of Sjögren's patients' saliva and post-irradiation patients' saliva was s...

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