The use of instructional media really helps teachers develop and deepen the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The use of instructional media that varies appropriately can affect student learning activities, interests and motivation. Therefore, learning media that are not boring are needed. One of them is with game-based media, such as crossword puzzles. Based on the background and study of the theory, this research is expected to provide answers to the formulation of the problem: (1) What is the validity of the crossword puzzle media on the thematic learning of my ideals for grade IV at MI Al-Busyro? (2) What is the practicality of the crossword media in the thematic learning theme of my ideals grade IV at MI Al Busyro? (3) Wh...
Well-designed learning media will be more assist students in achieving high learning outcomes. Howev...
ABSTRACT Biology is a subject that is considered difficult and boring for students, one of the mater...
AbstractThis study aims to determine whether there is an effect of the application of crossword puzz...
This research is motivated by the lack of use of learning media when giving assignments to students ...
Based on the results of observations in class IX.6 for the 2022/2023 academic year, it was found tha...
His research is based on the lack of innovation of teachers in preparing instructional media in prep...
Abstrak Media teka teki silang melibatkan siswa dalam pembelajaran, mental dan fisik siswa juga terl...
Media pembelajaran adalah proses belajar mengajar yang cenderung diartikan sebagai alat grafis, foto...
Abstrak Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS pa...
Vocabulary is an important aspect for students in conveying messages and opinions. However, several ...
earning media is a process of teaching and learning tends to be interpreted as tool graphics, photog...
Suharti, Aris. 2017. "The influence of learning media Crossword Puzzle on the cognitive learning out...
Learning media is one of the methods used in teaching and learning activities. We as teachers must u...
The implementation of Picture Crossword Puzzle (MCP-G) media model is an alternative to making it ea...
The implementation of Picture Crossword Puzzle (MCP-G) media model is an alternative to making it ea...
Well-designed learning media will be more assist students in achieving high learning outcomes. Howev...
ABSTRACT Biology is a subject that is considered difficult and boring for students, one of the mater...
AbstractThis study aims to determine whether there is an effect of the application of crossword puzz...
This research is motivated by the lack of use of learning media when giving assignments to students ...
Based on the results of observations in class IX.6 for the 2022/2023 academic year, it was found tha...
His research is based on the lack of innovation of teachers in preparing instructional media in prep...
Abstrak Media teka teki silang melibatkan siswa dalam pembelajaran, mental dan fisik siswa juga terl...
Media pembelajaran adalah proses belajar mengajar yang cenderung diartikan sebagai alat grafis, foto...
Abstrak Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS pa...
Vocabulary is an important aspect for students in conveying messages and opinions. However, several ...
earning media is a process of teaching and learning tends to be interpreted as tool graphics, photog...
Suharti, Aris. 2017. "The influence of learning media Crossword Puzzle on the cognitive learning out...
Learning media is one of the methods used in teaching and learning activities. We as teachers must u...
The implementation of Picture Crossword Puzzle (MCP-G) media model is an alternative to making it ea...
The implementation of Picture Crossword Puzzle (MCP-G) media model is an alternative to making it ea...
Well-designed learning media will be more assist students in achieving high learning outcomes. Howev...
ABSTRACT Biology is a subject that is considered difficult and boring for students, one of the mater...
AbstractThis study aims to determine whether there is an effect of the application of crossword puzz...