Korenske kvržice leguminoza su bitan izvor bakterija koje mogu da poboljšavaju rast biljaka. U ovom istraživanju izolovano je ukupno 152 bakterijska izolata iz korenskih kvržica lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) i žutog zvezdana (Lotus corniculatus L.), od čega je 14% izolata iz lucerke i 23% iz zvezdana imalo sposobnost nodulacije iste biljne vrste pri reinokulaciji. Veći procenat izolata poreklom iz korenskih kvržica lucerke pokazao je sposobnost produkcije siderofora, dok je solubilizacija fosfata i produkcija indol sirćetne kiseline bila zastupljenija kod izolata iz zvezdana. Antifungalno dejstvo je pokazalo 17 izolata, pri čemu se izolat B. mojavensis L3 izdvojio kao najefikasniji protiv ispitivanih vrsta roda Fusarium. Genetička karakteriz...
Root nodule bacteria is a group of soil bacteria that has ability to develop association with...
Simbiozni odnos između kvržičnih bakterija Sinorhizobium meliloti i lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) omo...
A growing body of evidence has reinforced the central role of microbiomes in the life of sound multi...
Zbog kontinuiranog porasta svjetskog stanovništva, glavni cilj poljoprivredne proizvodnje je osigura...
© 2020 by the authors.Lotus spp. are widely used as a forage to improve pastures, and inoculation wi...
10 Pág.Acid soils occupy more than 3.95 billion ha of the world soils, and finding an adequate solut...
Korisni mikroorganizmi ili mikroorganizmi promotori biljnog rasta (PGPM) ispoljavaju efekat na rast ...
We have evaluated the genetic diversity and phylogeny of alfalfa rhizobia isolated from different ty...
Očuvanje mikrobne raznolikosti tla i iskorištavanje korisnih mikrobioloških procesa postaje vrlo zna...
To examine the impact of microorganisms (PGPR-Planth Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) on seed germina...
Rhizosphere is the zone around the plant root, including the root, the soil on the root and the surr...
Bacteria play several important ecological functions in soil and in relation to plants. Legumes, suc...
A prerequisite for the improvement of birdsfoot trefoilproduction is the productionof sufficient qua...
Although plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have shown tremendous potential to be used as i...
Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) is a species adapted to field conditions in the most impor...
Root nodule bacteria is a group of soil bacteria that has ability to develop association with...
Simbiozni odnos između kvržičnih bakterija Sinorhizobium meliloti i lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) omo...
A growing body of evidence has reinforced the central role of microbiomes in the life of sound multi...
Zbog kontinuiranog porasta svjetskog stanovništva, glavni cilj poljoprivredne proizvodnje je osigura...
© 2020 by the authors.Lotus spp. are widely used as a forage to improve pastures, and inoculation wi...
10 Pág.Acid soils occupy more than 3.95 billion ha of the world soils, and finding an adequate solut...
Korisni mikroorganizmi ili mikroorganizmi promotori biljnog rasta (PGPM) ispoljavaju efekat na rast ...
We have evaluated the genetic diversity and phylogeny of alfalfa rhizobia isolated from different ty...
Očuvanje mikrobne raznolikosti tla i iskorištavanje korisnih mikrobioloških procesa postaje vrlo zna...
To examine the impact of microorganisms (PGPR-Planth Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) on seed germina...
Rhizosphere is the zone around the plant root, including the root, the soil on the root and the surr...
Bacteria play several important ecological functions in soil and in relation to plants. Legumes, suc...
A prerequisite for the improvement of birdsfoot trefoilproduction is the productionof sufficient qua...
Although plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have shown tremendous potential to be used as i...
Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) is a species adapted to field conditions in the most impor...
Root nodule bacteria is a group of soil bacteria that has ability to develop association with...
Simbiozni odnos između kvržičnih bakterija Sinorhizobium meliloti i lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) omo...
A growing body of evidence has reinforced the central role of microbiomes in the life of sound multi...