The Nagoya Protocol is a major international agreement for global biodiversity governance and was meant to put an end to the uncompensated exploitation of natural resources and knowledge in the Global South. Its objectives were to ensure greater justice and equity between providers and users of genetic resources, raise the profile of the contributions and knowledge of indigenous and local communities, and decolonise research, while promoting the conservation of biodiversity.Thirty years after the Convention on Biological Diversity from which it originated, the authors examine the legal and practical manifestations of this virtuous framework, which entered into force in 2014. While it has fostered recognition of the plural nature of knowledg...
When resources become valuable, various social and institutional pressures come to bear to enclose t...
The Nagoya Protocol is an unprecedented international environmental agreement that equally addresses...
None of the world’s biodiversity goals from the last decade were fully met, as biodiversity losses a...
The Nagoya Protocol is a major international agreement for global biodiversity governance and was me...
We have entered a monumental era in terms of realizing the impact of biodiversity loss on our everyd...
The idea of a Global Convention on Biodiversity was introduced in 1985 by IUCN in order to rationali...
working on issues related to access and benefit-sharing and implementation of the Convention on Biol...
In much of the conservation discourse, the interests of humans and biodiversity are still presented ...
Without question, the earth's biological diversity is an invaluable ecological, genetic, social...
In 2014 the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing took effect and is being implemented by co...
Relations between science and politics, bioequity, and biosafety, those are the three salient themes...
In our times of challenged relationships between nature and culture, it is essential that biodiversi...
The decline of biological diversity continues at speed and the consequent degradation of habitats an...
Societal Impact StatementBiodiversity loss is happening at an unprecedented rate. Understanding and ...
The biodiversity issue is being politically constructed by international agreements. These agreement...
When resources become valuable, various social and institutional pressures come to bear to enclose t...
The Nagoya Protocol is an unprecedented international environmental agreement that equally addresses...
None of the world’s biodiversity goals from the last decade were fully met, as biodiversity losses a...
The Nagoya Protocol is a major international agreement for global biodiversity governance and was me...
We have entered a monumental era in terms of realizing the impact of biodiversity loss on our everyd...
The idea of a Global Convention on Biodiversity was introduced in 1985 by IUCN in order to rationali...
working on issues related to access and benefit-sharing and implementation of the Convention on Biol...
In much of the conservation discourse, the interests of humans and biodiversity are still presented ...
Without question, the earth's biological diversity is an invaluable ecological, genetic, social...
In 2014 the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing took effect and is being implemented by co...
Relations between science and politics, bioequity, and biosafety, those are the three salient themes...
In our times of challenged relationships between nature and culture, it is essential that biodiversi...
The decline of biological diversity continues at speed and the consequent degradation of habitats an...
Societal Impact StatementBiodiversity loss is happening at an unprecedented rate. Understanding and ...
The biodiversity issue is being politically constructed by international agreements. These agreement...
When resources become valuable, various social and institutional pressures come to bear to enclose t...
The Nagoya Protocol is an unprecedented international environmental agreement that equally addresses...
None of the world’s biodiversity goals from the last decade were fully met, as biodiversity losses a...