Let G be a simple graph with the vertex set V={v1,…,vn} and denote by dvi the degree of the vertex vi. The modified Sombor index of G is the addition of the numbers (dvi2+dvj2)−1/2 over all of the edges vivj of G. The modified Sombor matrix AMS(G) of G is the n by n matrix such that its (i,j)-entry is equal to (dvi2+dvj2)−1/2 when vi and vj are adjacent and 0 otherwise. The modified Sombor spectral radius of G is the largest number among all of the eigenvalues of AMS(G). The sum of the absolute eigenvalues of AMS(G) is known as the modified Sombor energy of G. Two graphs with the same modified Sombor energy are referred to as modified Sombor equienergetic graphs. In this article, several bounds for the modified Sombor index, the modified So...