In Chapter 16, “The Nature of Animality,” Michael Lundblad explores how questions of animal (and hum...
“Animal Remainders” responds to the challenge of—and challenges to—Victorian animal studies, a sub-f...
Animals have always been an important part of the human life-world, and they stand out as significan...
©2 20 00 05 5--2 20 00 07 7 Q Qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e S So oc ci io ol lo og gy y R Re ev vi...
International audienceHow do the social sciences and humanities deal with human-animal relationships...
How can we make sense of the ambiguous and historically shifting characteristics of human/animal rel...
This project contemplates an ethics of difference and singularity that can effectuate a displacement...
Waldau\u27s meticulous study assesses the origins of the term “speciesism,” coined by Ryder in 1970,...
Animals' omnipresence in human society makes them both close to and ye tremarkably distant from huma...
In this article, we ask why is it that sociology has been slow to take up the animal challenge, and ...
This article addresses the issue that even though we can witness a change in attitudes and practices...
This overview of animal studies scholarship from 2020 covers a diverse range of sites – from escaped...
The Social Construction of Human Beings and Other Animals investigates dominant socially-sedimented ...
Despite growing academic interest in the human–animal relationship, little research has been directe...
Building on the critical theory of the early Frankfurt School, Marxian psychoanalytic theory, and ex...
In Chapter 16, “The Nature of Animality,” Michael Lundblad explores how questions of animal (and hum...
“Animal Remainders” responds to the challenge of—and challenges to—Victorian animal studies, a sub-f...
Animals have always been an important part of the human life-world, and they stand out as significan...
©2 20 00 05 5--2 20 00 07 7 Q Qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e S So oc ci io ol lo og gy y R Re ev vi...
International audienceHow do the social sciences and humanities deal with human-animal relationships...
How can we make sense of the ambiguous and historically shifting characteristics of human/animal rel...
This project contemplates an ethics of difference and singularity that can effectuate a displacement...
Waldau\u27s meticulous study assesses the origins of the term “speciesism,” coined by Ryder in 1970,...
Animals' omnipresence in human society makes them both close to and ye tremarkably distant from huma...
In this article, we ask why is it that sociology has been slow to take up the animal challenge, and ...
This article addresses the issue that even though we can witness a change in attitudes and practices...
This overview of animal studies scholarship from 2020 covers a diverse range of sites – from escaped...
The Social Construction of Human Beings and Other Animals investigates dominant socially-sedimented ...
Despite growing academic interest in the human–animal relationship, little research has been directe...
Building on the critical theory of the early Frankfurt School, Marxian psychoanalytic theory, and ex...
In Chapter 16, “The Nature of Animality,” Michael Lundblad explores how questions of animal (and hum...
“Animal Remainders” responds to the challenge of—and challenges to—Victorian animal studies, a sub-f...
Animals have always been an important part of the human life-world, and they stand out as significan...