Paradoxically, imaging with resolution much below the wavelength $\lambda$ - now common place in the visible spectrum - remains challenging at lower frequencies, where arguably it is needed most due to the large wavelengths used. Techniques to break the diffraction limit in microscopy have led to many breakthroughs across sciences, but remain largely confined to the optical spectrum, where near-field coupled fluorophores operate. At lower frequencies, exponentially decaying evanescent waves must be measured directly, requiring a tip or antenna to be brought into very close vicinity to the object. This is often difficult, and can be problematic as the probe can perturb the near-field distribution itself. Here we show the information encoded ...
High spatial resolution imaging is implemented with a novel collection mode near-field terahertz (TH...
Contrary to the conventional near-field superlensing, subwavelength superlens imaging is experimenta...
We demonstrate that a quasi-periodic array of nanoholes in a metal screen can focus light into subwa...
Near-field imaging with terahertz (THz) waves is emerging as a powerful technique for fundamental re...
We demonstrate near-field imaging capabilities of a conical waveguide without cutoff using broadband...
This thesis examines a series of near-field antenna arrays used to perform subwavelength focusing an...
Near-field imaging techniques at terahertz (THz) frequencies are severely restricted by diffraction....
Terahertz (THz) imaging can see through otherwise opaque materials. However, because of the long wav...
Far-field optical lens resolution is fundamentally limited by diffraction, which typically is about ...
Two plasma filaments crossing above the target create a subwavelength window for terahertz microscop...
Imaging with structured illumination allows for the retrieval of subwavelength features of an object...
Conventional optics suffer from a fundamental resolution limit due to the nature of light. The near-...
The effects of diffraction at terahertz frequencies limit the spatial resolution of imaging systems....
We demonstrate a form of near-field terahertz (THz) imaging that is compatible with compressed sensi...
Imaging applications in the terahertz (THz) frequency range are severely restricted by diffraction. ...
High spatial resolution imaging is implemented with a novel collection mode near-field terahertz (TH...
Contrary to the conventional near-field superlensing, subwavelength superlens imaging is experimenta...
We demonstrate that a quasi-periodic array of nanoholes in a metal screen can focus light into subwa...
Near-field imaging with terahertz (THz) waves is emerging as a powerful technique for fundamental re...
We demonstrate near-field imaging capabilities of a conical waveguide without cutoff using broadband...
This thesis examines a series of near-field antenna arrays used to perform subwavelength focusing an...
Near-field imaging techniques at terahertz (THz) frequencies are severely restricted by diffraction....
Terahertz (THz) imaging can see through otherwise opaque materials. However, because of the long wav...
Far-field optical lens resolution is fundamentally limited by diffraction, which typically is about ...
Two plasma filaments crossing above the target create a subwavelength window for terahertz microscop...
Imaging with structured illumination allows for the retrieval of subwavelength features of an object...
Conventional optics suffer from a fundamental resolution limit due to the nature of light. The near-...
The effects of diffraction at terahertz frequencies limit the spatial resolution of imaging systems....
We demonstrate a form of near-field terahertz (THz) imaging that is compatible with compressed sensi...
Imaging applications in the terahertz (THz) frequency range are severely restricted by diffraction. ...
High spatial resolution imaging is implemented with a novel collection mode near-field terahertz (TH...
Contrary to the conventional near-field superlensing, subwavelength superlens imaging is experimenta...
We demonstrate that a quasi-periodic array of nanoholes in a metal screen can focus light into subwa...