The concept of a rational legislator is related to the process of legislation of legal provisions, which incorporate technical standards or refer to technical standards. There are differences between these standards. Legal provisions incorporate technical standards when the technique is relatively stable. Legal provisions refer to technical standards when the development of technology is signifi-cant, and the technical standards shall be flexible.Koncepcję racjonalnego prawodawcy można odnieść do stanowienia przepisów praw-nych inkorporujących normy techniczne lub odsyłających do norm technicznych. Są to dwa na-rzędzia służące uwzględnieniu postępu technicznego. Przepisy prawa inkorporują normy tech-niczne, gdy technika jest relatywnie stab...
The paper has three sub-topics: legal knowledge, legal norms, and evolutionary systems. The three ar...
Conflict of laws rules of private international law are characterised by a different structure than ...
The article is an attempt to use one of the elements of the concept of a rational legislator, i.e. t...
W opracowaniu zostały zbadane prawne konteksty normy technicznej oraz jej znaczenie dla prawa admini...
Praca dotyczy normatywnej koncepcji racjonalnego ustawodawcy wraz z jej konsekwencjami dla procesu t...
Technical progress is closely related to economic development. One of the elements of this relations...
The legislative standard is the coding of legal norms in legal regulations, because the lawmaker has...
The fast pace of technological developments is bringing forth, to an ever-greater degree, dangerous ...
The rule of a rational legislator results in the creation of rational law, both universally and inte...
One of the crucial questions considered within the theory of law is the problem of sources of law (f...
Starting with the analysis of the assumption of rational legislator, the authors attempt to relate t...
Znaczenie zasad techniki prawodawczej (ZTP) oraz zasad prawidłowej legislacji (ZPL) jest kluczowe dl...
The article touches upon two essential problems of law making: rationality and responsibility of the...
Przedmiotem analizy uczyniono zagadnienie określoności przepisów prawa. Określoność przepisów prawa,...
The material requirement of the rule of law refers to the content of law, values constructed on the ...
The paper has three sub-topics: legal knowledge, legal norms, and evolutionary systems. The three ar...
Conflict of laws rules of private international law are characterised by a different structure than ...
The article is an attempt to use one of the elements of the concept of a rational legislator, i.e. t...
W opracowaniu zostały zbadane prawne konteksty normy technicznej oraz jej znaczenie dla prawa admini...
Praca dotyczy normatywnej koncepcji racjonalnego ustawodawcy wraz z jej konsekwencjami dla procesu t...
Technical progress is closely related to economic development. One of the elements of this relations...
The legislative standard is the coding of legal norms in legal regulations, because the lawmaker has...
The fast pace of technological developments is bringing forth, to an ever-greater degree, dangerous ...
The rule of a rational legislator results in the creation of rational law, both universally and inte...
One of the crucial questions considered within the theory of law is the problem of sources of law (f...
Starting with the analysis of the assumption of rational legislator, the authors attempt to relate t...
Znaczenie zasad techniki prawodawczej (ZTP) oraz zasad prawidłowej legislacji (ZPL) jest kluczowe dl...
The article touches upon two essential problems of law making: rationality and responsibility of the...
Przedmiotem analizy uczyniono zagadnienie określoności przepisów prawa. Określoność przepisów prawa,...
The material requirement of the rule of law refers to the content of law, values constructed on the ...
The paper has three sub-topics: legal knowledge, legal norms, and evolutionary systems. The three ar...
Conflict of laws rules of private international law are characterised by a different structure than ...
The article is an attempt to use one of the elements of the concept of a rational legislator, i.e. t...