Annie Lee Perdue - wife
Louise Conroy - wife
Magola Martha Warner - wife
Annie Lee perry - wife
David M. Perdue - husband
Madge Lee - wife
Maggie Parnell - wife
Josephine Lee - wife
Mary Lee - wife
Margaret Perritte - wife
Lola Anglin - wife
Wife of E. E. Lee
L. H. Parnell - husband
Alice Parham - wife
William Lee - husband
Anna M. Richardson - wife
Louise Conroy - wife
Magola Martha Warner - wife
Annie Lee perry - wife
David M. Perdue - husband
Madge Lee - wife
Maggie Parnell - wife
Josephine Lee - wife
Mary Lee - wife
Margaret Perritte - wife
Lola Anglin - wife
Wife of E. E. Lee
L. H. Parnell - husband
Alice Parham - wife
William Lee - husband
Anna M. Richardson - wife
Louise Conroy - wife
Magola Martha Warner - wife
Annie Lee perry - wife