Early Warning Score (EWS) is an early warning system starting from early detection, making decisions before the patient experiences an emergency condition. The parameters in the EWS method are level of consciousness, respiration or exhalation, oxygen saturation, supplemental oxygen, temperature, pulse rate, and systolic blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between knowledge level and nurse compliance of nurses in carrying out early warning score at BIMC Hospital Kuta. The EWS assessment is supported by nurses’ education level and work experience. This study used a cross-sectional approach correlation design with a total sampling technique of 58 nurses. In this study, it was found that the good knowledge...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan penerapan Early Warning Syst...
Over time, the COVID-19 virus mutates and can spread rapidly, requiring more accurate treatment. Ade...
Patients who come to the emergency department (ER) show good condition at the beginning of admission...
This study aims to identify the application of the Early Warning Score (EWS) system to patient safet...
Background: Early warning score is a process of early detection of patients before the occurrence of...
Abstract Early Warning Score (EWS) is a system approach by scoring based on predetermined and...
This study aims to analyze the implementation of Early Warning Score (EWS) in hospitals. The method ...
ABSTRACTThe national and international scaled-accreditation in a hospital should implement Early War...
Latar belakang: pasien kritis berpotensi mengalami penurunan kondisi klinis atau perburukan sehingga...
Effects of Application of Early Warning Score System on Nurses’ Ability to Identify Physiological Ch...
Latar Belakang : EWS direkomendasikan sebagai alat untuk membantu pemantauan perubahan kondisi pasie...
Kondisi perburukan pada pasien dapat terjadi pada berbagai waktu termasuk saat menjalani perawatan d...
The early warning system (EWS) has been decided as a new standard for Indonesian hospitals. The main...
The early warning system (EWS) has been decided as a new standard for Indonesian hospitals. The main...
Early Warning Score (EWS) is one of the instruments used to assess the patient's physiological deter...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan penerapan Early Warning Syst...
Over time, the COVID-19 virus mutates and can spread rapidly, requiring more accurate treatment. Ade...
Patients who come to the emergency department (ER) show good condition at the beginning of admission...
This study aims to identify the application of the Early Warning Score (EWS) system to patient safet...
Background: Early warning score is a process of early detection of patients before the occurrence of...
Abstract Early Warning Score (EWS) is a system approach by scoring based on predetermined and...
This study aims to analyze the implementation of Early Warning Score (EWS) in hospitals. The method ...
ABSTRACTThe national and international scaled-accreditation in a hospital should implement Early War...
Latar belakang: pasien kritis berpotensi mengalami penurunan kondisi klinis atau perburukan sehingga...
Effects of Application of Early Warning Score System on Nurses’ Ability to Identify Physiological Ch...
Latar Belakang : EWS direkomendasikan sebagai alat untuk membantu pemantauan perubahan kondisi pasie...
Kondisi perburukan pada pasien dapat terjadi pada berbagai waktu termasuk saat menjalani perawatan d...
The early warning system (EWS) has been decided as a new standard for Indonesian hospitals. The main...
The early warning system (EWS) has been decided as a new standard for Indonesian hospitals. The main...
Early Warning Score (EWS) is one of the instruments used to assess the patient's physiological deter...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan penerapan Early Warning Syst...
Over time, the COVID-19 virus mutates and can spread rapidly, requiring more accurate treatment. Ade...
Patients who come to the emergency department (ER) show good condition at the beginning of admission...