Abstrak Dalam franchise menjadi penting untuk menjaga mutu, termasuk pengelolaan sumber daya manusia (SDM), sehingga penting bagi franchisor untuk menanamkan budaya perusahaan (Corporate Culture) melalui Standart Operating Procedure (SOP) yang membatasi tindakan dari para karyawan dalam bekerja. Pada praktiknya ternyata tidak semua hal dirinci dalam SOP, salah satunya pelanggaran SOP dalam kode etik oleh karyawan ketika menyelesaikan masalah itikad tidak baik dari konsumen. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka diangkat 2 tujuan penelitian ini, petama mengetahui dan memahami pengaturan terkait Perjanjian Kerja Franchisor dengan karyawan untuk mematuhi SOP Dalam Cabang Franchise kepatuhan SOP karyawan franchisee oleh franchisor. Tujuan kedua unt...
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Klausul-Klausul Dalam Perjanjian Franchise Ter...
Sita umum atas harta kekayaan debitor selaku franchisor karena kepailitan tidak membatalkan perjanji...
Franchising is a marketing concept in order to expand the business to support the economy, in this c...
Abstrak Dalam franchise menjadi penting untuk menjaga mutu, termasuk pengelolaan sumber daya manusia...
Abstrak Dalam franchise menjadi penting untuk menjaga mutu, termasuk pengelolaan sumber daya manusia...
The government needs to develop a franchise business in order to expand job opportunities, for that ...
Protection against the procedure of confidential information and know-how (in the Franchise Disclosu...
Considered to be an effective way to expand business networks today, one of them through franchising...
A franchise is a form of business partnership between two parties known as the franchisor and the fr...
A franchise is a form of business partnership between two parties known as the franchisor and the fr...
Problems that often occur in practice of franchise agreements in Indonesia wich is often the franchi...
In this developing era, many societies make innovations in business fields by using an easy and inst...
Due to gobalization, world trade has increased tremendously. Franchising having surged as one of th...
The expansion of business has passed the limit of space, time and territory of a country. One of eff...
Sita umum atas harta kekayaan debitor selaku franchisor karena kepailitan tidak membatalkan perjanji...
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Klausul-Klausul Dalam Perjanjian Franchise Ter...
Sita umum atas harta kekayaan debitor selaku franchisor karena kepailitan tidak membatalkan perjanji...
Franchising is a marketing concept in order to expand the business to support the economy, in this c...
Abstrak Dalam franchise menjadi penting untuk menjaga mutu, termasuk pengelolaan sumber daya manusia...
Abstrak Dalam franchise menjadi penting untuk menjaga mutu, termasuk pengelolaan sumber daya manusia...
The government needs to develop a franchise business in order to expand job opportunities, for that ...
Protection against the procedure of confidential information and know-how (in the Franchise Disclosu...
Considered to be an effective way to expand business networks today, one of them through franchising...
A franchise is a form of business partnership between two parties known as the franchisor and the fr...
A franchise is a form of business partnership between two parties known as the franchisor and the fr...
Problems that often occur in practice of franchise agreements in Indonesia wich is often the franchi...
In this developing era, many societies make innovations in business fields by using an easy and inst...
Due to gobalization, world trade has increased tremendously. Franchising having surged as one of th...
The expansion of business has passed the limit of space, time and territory of a country. One of eff...
Sita umum atas harta kekayaan debitor selaku franchisor karena kepailitan tidak membatalkan perjanji...
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Klausul-Klausul Dalam Perjanjian Franchise Ter...
Sita umum atas harta kekayaan debitor selaku franchisor karena kepailitan tidak membatalkan perjanji...
Franchising is a marketing concept in order to expand the business to support the economy, in this c...