Decision of Head of BAPEPAM dan LK Nr: Kep-176/BL/2008 provided that investment manager is restricted to do equity buying at company stock which listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia more than 5 % of the said company. This regulation has effected to mutual fund, so the said mutual fund cannot put into the long term investment because they can’t make a decision based on the ownership of the stock less than 5%. This regulation made the mutual fund manager do the day trading strategy on their investment becaused they can’t invest for the long term. Day trading strategy has made the stock market index (in Indonesia called Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan /IHSG) susceptible for the stock market crash. So investor should invest in hedge fun...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap investor yang dirugikan akibat perdagan...
ABSTRAKKemajuan ekonomi dunia telah mendorong banyak perubahan bagi kehidupan manusia. Pasar modal s...
A mutual fund is one of the interesting alternative modes of investment models for the investors tha...
Decision of Head of BAPEPAM dan LK Nr: Kep-176/BL/2008 provided that investment manager is restrict...
The aim of this research is to find out: legal protection for investor in mutual fund investment. Th...
Reksadana merupakan suatu efek dalam Pasar Modal memiliki resiko yang rendah. Dengan Kontrak Investa...
Pada penulisan skripsi ini penulis membahas mengenai masalah Tanggung Jawab Perdata Manajer Investas...
Abstract: Basic Concept of Mutual Fund Investing. The high demand of living and the inflation rate i...
Abstrak : Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Investor Dalam Pasar ModalPengawasan di pasar modal industri jasa ...
Manajer Investasi adalah pihak yang mengkhususkan keahliannya dalam hal pengelolaan dana. Oleh kare...
Berinvestasi di pasar modal dalam bentuk saham merupakan salah satu pilihan investasi. Investasi sah...
Investors are required to be more prudent in determining the investment option since many choices Fo...
Jika kita membeli saham, kita akan menghadapi dua kemungkinan, yaitu untung atau rugi. Jika harga sa...
An investor always search for the best investment to protect and grow his/her wealth. There are many...
Mutual fund are used to collect funds from public investors to be invested in portfolio securities b...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap investor yang dirugikan akibat perdagan...
ABSTRAKKemajuan ekonomi dunia telah mendorong banyak perubahan bagi kehidupan manusia. Pasar modal s...
A mutual fund is one of the interesting alternative modes of investment models for the investors tha...
Decision of Head of BAPEPAM dan LK Nr: Kep-176/BL/2008 provided that investment manager is restrict...
The aim of this research is to find out: legal protection for investor in mutual fund investment. Th...
Reksadana merupakan suatu efek dalam Pasar Modal memiliki resiko yang rendah. Dengan Kontrak Investa...
Pada penulisan skripsi ini penulis membahas mengenai masalah Tanggung Jawab Perdata Manajer Investas...
Abstract: Basic Concept of Mutual Fund Investing. The high demand of living and the inflation rate i...
Abstrak : Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Investor Dalam Pasar ModalPengawasan di pasar modal industri jasa ...
Manajer Investasi adalah pihak yang mengkhususkan keahliannya dalam hal pengelolaan dana. Oleh kare...
Berinvestasi di pasar modal dalam bentuk saham merupakan salah satu pilihan investasi. Investasi sah...
Investors are required to be more prudent in determining the investment option since many choices Fo...
Jika kita membeli saham, kita akan menghadapi dua kemungkinan, yaitu untung atau rugi. Jika harga sa...
An investor always search for the best investment to protect and grow his/her wealth. There are many...
Mutual fund are used to collect funds from public investors to be invested in portfolio securities b...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap investor yang dirugikan akibat perdagan...
ABSTRAKKemajuan ekonomi dunia telah mendorong banyak perubahan bagi kehidupan manusia. Pasar modal s...
A mutual fund is one of the interesting alternative modes of investment models for the investors tha...