和歌山県清水町の湯川川下流, 湯川層砂岩よりSpondylus aff. decoratus, Plicatula aff. hanaii, Amphidonte cf. subhaliotoidea, Ostrea sp.などの二枚貝や, さんごCamalophyllia sp.が発見された。二枚貝は宮古統のものに類似し, 時代は古白亜紀とみなされる。厚殻, 付着, 固着性の二枚貝を主体とし, ごく浅い海の環境を示している。これは砂岩の堆積学的研究からも支持される。周囲はやや深い地向斜性の堆積層であるが, このような浅海性の地層の存在は, 海底地辷りによるものではなく, 海水準の相対的変化によるものと結論した。 Bivalve fossils collected from the northern border of the Shimanto Terrain are characterised by shallow marine species, such as Spondylus aff. decoratus, Plicatula aff. hanaii, Amphidonte cf. subhaliotoidea, Rastellum? sp., Ostrea sp. and others, the age of which is considered to be early Cretaceous. The fossilbearing sandstones also show a shallow shelf environment, while the surrounding sandstones indicate turbidity current origin u...
A biostratigraphic correlation of Early Cretaceous marine and non-marine mollusc faunas of south-wes...
AbstractA bivalve assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation at the type locality, Piz de P...
沖縄島の羽地内海からシマノハテマゴコロガイPeregrinamor gastrochaenans Kato & Itani, 2000を採集した.本種はミナミアナジャコUpogebia carinic...
The Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group is exposed in Oshima, Amakusa Islands, Kyushu, southwest Japan....
We reconstructed the depositional environments, assemblages, and habitats of characteristic bivalve ...
The geology and the paleontology of the Cretaceous Misakubo Formation have been investigated. The Mi...
Early Cretaceous Bivalves from the Lower Hanoura Formation of the Monobegawa Group in Tokushima, Eas...
The Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group is composed of non-marine to marine fossiliferous clastic depos...
早稲田大学博士(理学)制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲1901号 ; 学位の種類:博士(理学) ; 授与年月日:2004-03-15 ; 早大学位記番号: 新3776doctoral thesi
In the Chichibu Terrain of the Yatsushiro Mountains in Kumamoto Prefecture, the Lower Cretaceous Sys...
Endemic shallow-marine Cretaceous bivalves in the northeast Pacific region (NEP), extending from sou...
From the Palaeocretaceous formations in the Shima Peninsula, the following molluscan fossils are des...
Mukujima Island is 16 kilometers northeast of Tsukumi City, Oita Prefecture, and is geotectonically ...
In the Chichibu Terrane of the Mt.Honjyo area in the mie-machi, Oita Prefecture, the Lower Cretaceou...
A biostratigraphic correlation of Early Cretaceous marine and non-marine mollusc faunas of south-wes...
AbstractA bivalve assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation at the type locality, Piz de P...
沖縄島の羽地内海からシマノハテマゴコロガイPeregrinamor gastrochaenans Kato & Itani, 2000を採集した.本種はミナミアナジャコUpogebia carinic...
The Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group is exposed in Oshima, Amakusa Islands, Kyushu, southwest Japan....
We reconstructed the depositional environments, assemblages, and habitats of characteristic bivalve ...
The geology and the paleontology of the Cretaceous Misakubo Formation have been investigated. The Mi...
Early Cretaceous Bivalves from the Lower Hanoura Formation of the Monobegawa Group in Tokushima, Eas...
The Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group is composed of non-marine to marine fossiliferous clastic depos...
早稲田大学博士(理学)制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲1901号 ; 学位の種類:博士(理学) ; 授与年月日:2004-03-15 ; 早大学位記番号: 新3776doctoral thesi
In the Chichibu Terrain of the Yatsushiro Mountains in Kumamoto Prefecture, the Lower Cretaceous Sys...
Endemic shallow-marine Cretaceous bivalves in the northeast Pacific region (NEP), extending from sou...
From the Palaeocretaceous formations in the Shima Peninsula, the following molluscan fossils are des...
Mukujima Island is 16 kilometers northeast of Tsukumi City, Oita Prefecture, and is geotectonically ...
In the Chichibu Terrane of the Mt.Honjyo area in the mie-machi, Oita Prefecture, the Lower Cretaceou...
A biostratigraphic correlation of Early Cretaceous marine and non-marine mollusc faunas of south-wes...
AbstractA bivalve assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation at the type locality, Piz de P...
沖縄島の羽地内海からシマノハテマゴコロガイPeregrinamor gastrochaenans Kato & Itani, 2000を採集した.本種はミナミアナジャコUpogebia carinic...