Fenomena pertumbuhan ekonomi di 2013 sebesar 6.8 % akan membawa dampak pada dunia lembaga penjaminan. Sektor perkreditan konsumtif diasumsikan akan meningkat. Dengan didaftarkannya jaminan fidusia akan memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap penerima fidusia (debitur) maupun terhadap Pemberi Fidusia (kreditur). Dalam Undang-undang Nomor 42 Tahun 1999 Tentang Jaminan Fidusia (UUJF) adanya kewajiban bagi si pemberi fidusia (kreditur) untuk memberikan benda yang menjadi jaminan fidusia kepada si penerima fidusia (debitur) jika terjadi gagal bayar (wan Prestasi). Akan tetapi tidak diikuti sanksi apapun jika debitur tidak memenuhi kewajibannya.AbstractThe phenomenon of economic growth in 2013 at 6.8% will have impacts of insurance corporation. Th...
This research aims to provide an overview of the execution of the fiduciary security object followin...
This research aims to provide an overview of the execution of the fiduciary security object followin...
Fiduciary security institutions are regulated through legislation, Act No. 42 of 1999. This law gove...
Fenomena pertumbuhan ekonomi di 2013 sebesar 6.8 % akan membawa dampak pada dunia lembaga penjaminan...
Fenomena pertumbuhan ekonomi di 2013 sebesar 6.8 % akan membawa dampak pada dunia lembaga penjaminan...
This study was made to find to find a form of legal protection for Creditors holding fiduciary guara...
Perkembangan Hukum Jaminan, juga membawa perkembangan atas lembaga jaminannya, antara lain lembaga j...
Fiduciary registration is the most important stages in the fiduciary is a fiduciary because the birt...
A fiduciary guarantee is a form of guarantee or security in a financial transaction where a party ca...
A fiduciary guarantee is a form of guarantee or security in a financial transaction where a party ca...
A fiduciary guarantee is a form of guarantee or security in a financial transaction where a party ca...
This study aims to analyze the mechanism for implementing the execution of fiduciary guarantees on d...
Consumer finance companies often take the action of taking objects that are used as fiduciary collat...
Fiduciary registration is the most important stages in the fiduciary is a fiduciary because the birt...
Jaminan fidusia adalah jaminan yang diberikan dalam bentuk fidusia. Dimana jaminan fidusia ini telah...
This research aims to provide an overview of the execution of the fiduciary security object followin...
This research aims to provide an overview of the execution of the fiduciary security object followin...
Fiduciary security institutions are regulated through legislation, Act No. 42 of 1999. This law gove...
Fenomena pertumbuhan ekonomi di 2013 sebesar 6.8 % akan membawa dampak pada dunia lembaga penjaminan...
Fenomena pertumbuhan ekonomi di 2013 sebesar 6.8 % akan membawa dampak pada dunia lembaga penjaminan...
This study was made to find to find a form of legal protection for Creditors holding fiduciary guara...
Perkembangan Hukum Jaminan, juga membawa perkembangan atas lembaga jaminannya, antara lain lembaga j...
Fiduciary registration is the most important stages in the fiduciary is a fiduciary because the birt...
A fiduciary guarantee is a form of guarantee or security in a financial transaction where a party ca...
A fiduciary guarantee is a form of guarantee or security in a financial transaction where a party ca...
A fiduciary guarantee is a form of guarantee or security in a financial transaction where a party ca...
This study aims to analyze the mechanism for implementing the execution of fiduciary guarantees on d...
Consumer finance companies often take the action of taking objects that are used as fiduciary collat...
Fiduciary registration is the most important stages in the fiduciary is a fiduciary because the birt...
Jaminan fidusia adalah jaminan yang diberikan dalam bentuk fidusia. Dimana jaminan fidusia ini telah...
This research aims to provide an overview of the execution of the fiduciary security object followin...
This research aims to provide an overview of the execution of the fiduciary security object followin...
Fiduciary security institutions are regulated through legislation, Act No. 42 of 1999. This law gove...