INDONESIA: Pemerintah Indonesia menaruh perhatian besar terhadap isu perubahan ikim global. Hal ini terlihat dari kebijakan, peraturan dan program yang telah dikeluarkan hingga saat ini dalam rangka mitigasi dan adaptasi gas rumah kaca (GRK).Adapun kebijakan yang berkaitan langsung dengan perubahan iklim anara lain adalah Perpres No. 61/2011 tentang Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dan Perpres No. 71/2011 tentang penyelenggaraan inventarisasi GRK nasional. Gubernur Jawa Barat menghasilkan peraturan terkait hal tersebut dengan adanya Pergub Jawa Barat No. 56/2012 tentang rencana aksi daerah penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca (RAD-GRK). Agar dapat menurunkan emisi karbon sektor energi di Jawa Barat maka perlu dilakuka...
Climate change policy often contradicts the least-cost objective of electricity generation in develo...
As mandated by the recent Copenhagen Accord, Indonesia submitted a nationally appropriate mitigation...
Energy plays an important role shaping civilization as a major input from various sectors of life. F...
Energy is a vital element in our daily life. In line with the demands of energy needs, energy, which...
Energy is an element that is vital in everyday life. Its use continues to increase along with the in...
The energy demand in Indonesia is projected to increase in the future. Based on the tentative result...
ABSTRACT The energy demand in Indonesia is projected to increase in the future. Based on the tentati...
One of the environmental problrms facing the world today is the phenomenon of global warming that is...
Energi merupakan suatu faktor yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ekonomi. Kebutuhnan energi dapat disebab...
Pemanasan global telah menjadi sorotan utama dari para pakar lingkungan dan masyarakat dunia yang me...
Global warming is a concern for Indonesia, which is prone to climate change. This is caused by Green...
This study analyzed the role of low-carbon energy technologies in reducing the greenhouse gas emissi...
Istilag Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) mengemuka seiring dengan isu pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim yang ...
Emisi GRK atau green house gases merupakan salah satu penyebab perubahan iklim global (global warmin...
Telah dilakukan estimasi emisi gas rumah kaca dari lahan pertanian padi sawah di Indonesia selama em...
Climate change policy often contradicts the least-cost objective of electricity generation in develo...
As mandated by the recent Copenhagen Accord, Indonesia submitted a nationally appropriate mitigation...
Energy plays an important role shaping civilization as a major input from various sectors of life. F...
Energy is a vital element in our daily life. In line with the demands of energy needs, energy, which...
Energy is an element that is vital in everyday life. Its use continues to increase along with the in...
The energy demand in Indonesia is projected to increase in the future. Based on the tentative result...
ABSTRACT The energy demand in Indonesia is projected to increase in the future. Based on the tentati...
One of the environmental problrms facing the world today is the phenomenon of global warming that is...
Energi merupakan suatu faktor yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ekonomi. Kebutuhnan energi dapat disebab...
Pemanasan global telah menjadi sorotan utama dari para pakar lingkungan dan masyarakat dunia yang me...
Global warming is a concern for Indonesia, which is prone to climate change. This is caused by Green...
This study analyzed the role of low-carbon energy technologies in reducing the greenhouse gas emissi...
Istilag Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) mengemuka seiring dengan isu pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim yang ...
Emisi GRK atau green house gases merupakan salah satu penyebab perubahan iklim global (global warmin...
Telah dilakukan estimasi emisi gas rumah kaca dari lahan pertanian padi sawah di Indonesia selama em...
Climate change policy often contradicts the least-cost objective of electricity generation in develo...
As mandated by the recent Copenhagen Accord, Indonesia submitted a nationally appropriate mitigation...
Energy plays an important role shaping civilization as a major input from various sectors of life. F...