NOx Reactivity on Microporous Metal-Aluminophosphates. A Combined Spectroscopic and Catalytic Studies

  • A. Frache
  • M. Cadoni
  • S. Coluccia
  • L. Marchese
  • B. Palella
  • R. Pirone
  • P. Ciambelli
Publication date
January 2001
Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598


A combined spectroscopic and catalytic study of the NOx reactivity on microporous aluminophosphates and silico-aluminophosphates containing Co and Cu ions in AlPO4-34, -5 and -11 type structures, is reported. CoAPO-34 is very efficient catalyst in the NO oxidation to NO2 reaching the equilibrium conversion value at 350°C, whereas is inactive in the NO reduction by CO, a reaction which, on the contrary, proceeds efficiently on Cu-based catalysts. In particular, catalytic tests in the NO reduction by CO on CuAPO-34 suggested that this catalyst is a very active and selective in the 300-550°C range. N2O decomposition and NO oxidation to NO2 are also effective on Cu-containing catalysts, and followed the sequence of activity: Cu- SAPO-34 ≥ CuAPS...

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