High-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma in the gluteus with a v-y flap: a case report

  • D. Frainer
  • C. Da Silveira Welter
  • C. Theis
  • H. Fiamoncini
  • G: Bachtold
  • L. A. Seyboth
Open PDF
Publication date
March 2022
Verduci Editore


Objective: Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS) is rare and affects mainly the elderly. Due to the low incidence and heterogeneous variety of this sarcoma, little is known about the UPS regarding clinical behavior, treatment strategies and prognosis. The objective is to describe the case of a young patient, with a UPS measuring 14 × 11.2 × 8.2 cm, with a 6-month evolution and no metastases. Case Report: A female patient, 34 years old, reported the presence of nodulation in the left gluteal region for 6 months with progressive growth associated with pain, weight loss of 10 kg in the last 2 months. An anatomopathological study showed a malignant neoplasm of spindle cells and high-grade pleomorphic sarcoma on immunohistochemistry. Neoad...

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