The geometry of MEMS devices is limited by the technologies used to fabricate them. Today, microsystems are manufactured with patterning technologies that allow only for 2D and 2.5D geometries. These miniaturized devices are widely used in industry, including the automotive, electronics, and biomedical sectors, and their adoption in our society is expected to increaseeven further with the advance of the Internet of Things. 3D MEMS can contribute to this development enabling novel applications and improvedperformances, by exploiting more complex device geometries, and reducing device footprint, by integrating more functionalities onto smaller areas. In recent years, new technologies have been proposed to realize 3D microdevices by directly p...
A high resolution machining setup for creating three-dimensional precision components from a UV-cur...
Multi-photon three-dimensional micro-/nano-fabrication (3DM) is a powerful technique for creating co...
Two-photon photopolymerization of optically curable resins is a powerful tool for fabricating microm...
The geometry of MEMS devices is limited by the technologies used to fabricate them. Today, microsyst...
FULL CONFERENCE PAPER "Two-step MEMS microfabrication via 3D direct laser lithography", Proceeding ...
The meso/micro layered manufacturing technologies have significant implications for the design and ...
Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program ...
In this work we present a micro manufacturing platform for the production of polymeric microfluidic ...
Conventional microfabrication processes have been well established, but their capabilities are gener...
This paper discusses the use of high power lasers in the manufacture of microelectromechanical syste...
Non-conventional micro fabrication technologies, such as laser micro machining, micro EDM, etc., are...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in laser techniques for micro-nan...
The field of laser fusion involves the development of new technologies to aid in the fabrication of ...
Conventional microfabrication processes have been well established, but their capabilities are gener...
Additive manufacturing is revolutionizing the aerospace, transportation, energy, healthcare and vari...
A high resolution machining setup for creating three-dimensional precision components from a UV-cur...
Multi-photon three-dimensional micro-/nano-fabrication (3DM) is a powerful technique for creating co...
Two-photon photopolymerization of optically curable resins is a powerful tool for fabricating microm...
The geometry of MEMS devices is limited by the technologies used to fabricate them. Today, microsyst...
FULL CONFERENCE PAPER "Two-step MEMS microfabrication via 3D direct laser lithography", Proceeding ...
The meso/micro layered manufacturing technologies have significant implications for the design and ...
Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program ...
In this work we present a micro manufacturing platform for the production of polymeric microfluidic ...
Conventional microfabrication processes have been well established, but their capabilities are gener...
This paper discusses the use of high power lasers in the manufacture of microelectromechanical syste...
Non-conventional micro fabrication technologies, such as laser micro machining, micro EDM, etc., are...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in laser techniques for micro-nan...
The field of laser fusion involves the development of new technologies to aid in the fabrication of ...
Conventional microfabrication processes have been well established, but their capabilities are gener...
Additive manufacturing is revolutionizing the aerospace, transportation, energy, healthcare and vari...
A high resolution machining setup for creating three-dimensional precision components from a UV-cur...
Multi-photon three-dimensional micro-/nano-fabrication (3DM) is a powerful technique for creating co...
Two-photon photopolymerization of optically curable resins is a powerful tool for fabricating microm...