Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Blok scalp levobupivakain efektif dalam menurunkan respon hemodinamik seperti tekanan darah, tekanan arteri rata-rata (mean arterial pressure/MAP) dan laju nadi terutama pada waktu pemasangan pin, insisi kulit, dan insisi durameter pasien kraniotomi. Adjuvan sering ditambahkan pada anestesi lokal untuk memperkuat dan memperpanjang efek analgesia pada blok saraf tepi. Klonidin memiliki aksi yang sinergis dengan agen lokal anestesi. Dosis yang umum adalah 2 mcg/kgbb. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas penambahan klonidin 1 mcg/kg dan 2 mcg/kg pada blok scalp sebagai analgetik kraniotomi. Subjek dan Metode: Penelitian pada 30 pasien memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Subyek dibagi tiga kelompok, kelompok I: ...
Studies reported that more than 55% of patients complained of moderate to severe pain up to 48 hours...
Background: The application of head fixation device and tightening of the pins on the scalp acts as ...
Objective This study was performed to determine the effects of scalp blocks with bupivacaine versus ...
Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Peningkatan respon hemodinamik yang disebabkan oleh nyeri dapat menyebabk...
Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Opioid dosis tinggi efektif memblokade nyeri pada operasi kraniotomi namu...
Nyeri pascalabioplasti dapat dicegah dengan blok infraorbital bilateral. Penelitian bertujuan memban...
Objective :To assess the effect of intravenous clonidine 3µg/kg on prolongation of motoric and sens...
Surgical craniotomy such as skin incisions, head pinning, periosteal-dural contact, dura closure, bo...
Background: Current era of minimally invasive surgery and awake craniotomy has created revived atten...
Kraniyotomilerde %0.25 ve % 0.5’lik Levobupivakain ile yapılan skalp bloğunun çivili başlığa b...
Skin incision and craniotomy are recognized as an acute noxious stimulation during intracranial surg...
Insisi kulit dan kraniotomi selama operasi intrakranial merupakan stimulus berbahaya yang dapat meng...
Spinal anesthesia has some limitations that limits its use, such as limited duration of action in m...
Introduction: The axillary approach to the brachial plexus is the most popular because of its ease, ...
Background. The addition of the adjuvant to spinal anesthesia has several objectives, one of which i...
Studies reported that more than 55% of patients complained of moderate to severe pain up to 48 hours...
Background: The application of head fixation device and tightening of the pins on the scalp acts as ...
Objective This study was performed to determine the effects of scalp blocks with bupivacaine versus ...
Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Peningkatan respon hemodinamik yang disebabkan oleh nyeri dapat menyebabk...
Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Opioid dosis tinggi efektif memblokade nyeri pada operasi kraniotomi namu...
Nyeri pascalabioplasti dapat dicegah dengan blok infraorbital bilateral. Penelitian bertujuan memban...
Objective :To assess the effect of intravenous clonidine 3µg/kg on prolongation of motoric and sens...
Surgical craniotomy such as skin incisions, head pinning, periosteal-dural contact, dura closure, bo...
Background: Current era of minimally invasive surgery and awake craniotomy has created revived atten...
Kraniyotomilerde %0.25 ve % 0.5’lik Levobupivakain ile yapılan skalp bloğunun çivili başlığa b...
Skin incision and craniotomy are recognized as an acute noxious stimulation during intracranial surg...
Insisi kulit dan kraniotomi selama operasi intrakranial merupakan stimulus berbahaya yang dapat meng...
Spinal anesthesia has some limitations that limits its use, such as limited duration of action in m...
Introduction: The axillary approach to the brachial plexus is the most popular because of its ease, ...
Background. The addition of the adjuvant to spinal anesthesia has several objectives, one of which i...
Studies reported that more than 55% of patients complained of moderate to severe pain up to 48 hours...
Background: The application of head fixation device and tightening of the pins on the scalp acts as ...
Objective This study was performed to determine the effects of scalp blocks with bupivacaine versus ...