Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study is to enhance the understanding of the core elements and influencing factors on the community‐based epilepsy nurse's role and responsibilities. Background: Internationally, epilepsy nurse specialists play a key role in providing person‐centred care and management of epilepsy but there is a gap in understanding of their role in the community. Design: A national three‐stage, mixed‐method study was conducted. Methods: One‐on‐one, in‐depth semi‐structured qualitative interviews were conducted online with 12 community‐based epilepsy nurses (Stage 1); retrospective analysis of data collected from the National Epilepsy Line, a nurse‐led community helpline (Stage 2); and focus group conducted with four epi...
Rationale: For children with specific healthcare needs, educational staff must be able to act in ‘lo...
【Background】 Comprehensive care is necessary for people with epilepsy (PWE) to lead a fulfilling lif...
AbstractEpilepsy is almost as common as diabetes and some 750 people with epilepsy die suddenly and ...
Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study is to enhance the understanding of the core elements and ...
Introduction Epilepsy is a common neurological condition affecting between 3% and 3.5% of the Austra...
AbstractPurpose: To review and describe the key roles of the UK clinical nurse specialist in epileps...
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders that has an on-going tendency for reoccurr...
AbstractThe benefits of a specialist epilepsy nurse in the management of people with epilepsy are st...
AbstractThere is currently a wide variation in the level of service provided for patients with epile...
Ce travail met l’accent sur l’utilité de la création effective de l’infirmière spécialisée dans les ...
Background. Epilepsy is frequently accompanied by learning, behavioural and psychological difficulti...
Background: Research to support the added value of including Epilepsy Specialist Nurses as members...
AbstractPurpose: To assess what patients want and get from a primary care epilepsy specialist nurse ...
AbstractEpilepsy is known to cause higher rates of morbidity and mortality than in the general popul...
AbstractRecent literature suggests that access to an epilepsy nurse specialist (ENS) may help improv...
Rationale: For children with specific healthcare needs, educational staff must be able to act in ‘lo...
【Background】 Comprehensive care is necessary for people with epilepsy (PWE) to lead a fulfilling lif...
AbstractEpilepsy is almost as common as diabetes and some 750 people with epilepsy die suddenly and ...
Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study is to enhance the understanding of the core elements and ...
Introduction Epilepsy is a common neurological condition affecting between 3% and 3.5% of the Austra...
AbstractPurpose: To review and describe the key roles of the UK clinical nurse specialist in epileps...
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders that has an on-going tendency for reoccurr...
AbstractThe benefits of a specialist epilepsy nurse in the management of people with epilepsy are st...
AbstractThere is currently a wide variation in the level of service provided for patients with epile...
Ce travail met l’accent sur l’utilité de la création effective de l’infirmière spécialisée dans les ...
Background. Epilepsy is frequently accompanied by learning, behavioural and psychological difficulti...
Background: Research to support the added value of including Epilepsy Specialist Nurses as members...
AbstractPurpose: To assess what patients want and get from a primary care epilepsy specialist nurse ...
AbstractEpilepsy is known to cause higher rates of morbidity and mortality than in the general popul...
AbstractRecent literature suggests that access to an epilepsy nurse specialist (ENS) may help improv...
Rationale: For children with specific healthcare needs, educational staff must be able to act in ‘lo...
【Background】 Comprehensive care is necessary for people with epilepsy (PWE) to lead a fulfilling lif...
AbstractEpilepsy is almost as common as diabetes and some 750 people with epilepsy die suddenly and ...