The role of the Madden-Julian Oscillation ("MJO") on rainfall variability in Sub-Saharan Africa is examined, based on daily rain-gauge records and the NCEP-DOE AMIP-II reanalyses. The convective and dynamical signal associated with the MJO is extracted using two differing methodologies, the BMRC daily indices (Wheeler & Hendon 2004) on the one hand, and a Local Mode Analysis ("LMA", Goulet & Duvel 2000) on the other hand. The temporal variability of the MJO (in terms of period, amplitude, seasonality and location of the convective anomalies) is first analysed. Though the overall amplitude of the signal is not related to El Niño, the oscillations occurring under El Niño (La Niña) conditions tend to be shorter (longer). Surface conditions suc...