Land is a strategic natural resource for development. Almost all sectors of physical development require land, such as agriculture, forestry, housing, industry, mining, and transportation. This study aims to 1) Analyze the distribution of population growth in the Mejayan and Pilangkenceng sub-districts in 2015 and 2020, 2) Analyzing land use change in the Mejayan and Pilangkenceng sub-districts in 2015 and 2020, and 3) Analyzing the relationship between population growth and land use change in the Mejayan and Pilangkenceng sub-districts. The analysis of this study uses the secondary analysis method to determine the results of population growth in the Mejayan and Pilangkenceng sub-districts, as well as the overlay analysis method to determin...
The study in this study was conducted in Jogonalan District, Klaten Regency. Developments that occur...
Increasing of population will effect to economic development that need the appropriation of lands fo...
The State of Indonesia is an agricultural area, most of which consists of agricultural land where ma...
Land is a strategic natural resource for development. Almost all sectors of physical development req...
Human activities on the earth's surface influence changes in land use. The primary factor of land us...
Tasikmadu Subdistrict experiences changes in land use every year caused by increasing population gro...
Land is important part of human life because land can be space and resources to fulfill human need. ...
This land use change will definitely occur in every region and will continue to change every year, a...
Growth has an impact on increasing land use growth, along with population growth due to urbanization...
Ngemplak subdistrict tends to experience land changes in groups caused by the location of the sub-di...
The land use change is a process carried out to change the original land function into other functio...
Delanggu District is an area that has experienced changes in land use from initially agricultural la...
This research aims to describe land use changes and land value zone changes, analyze land use change...
Changes in land use in Nogosari District are growing due to socio-economic activities. The impact ca...
The study conducted on changes in land use was in the District of Jaten, Karanganyar Regency. Change...
The study in this study was conducted in Jogonalan District, Klaten Regency. Developments that occur...
Increasing of population will effect to economic development that need the appropriation of lands fo...
The State of Indonesia is an agricultural area, most of which consists of agricultural land where ma...
Land is a strategic natural resource for development. Almost all sectors of physical development req...
Human activities on the earth's surface influence changes in land use. The primary factor of land us...
Tasikmadu Subdistrict experiences changes in land use every year caused by increasing population gro...
Land is important part of human life because land can be space and resources to fulfill human need. ...
This land use change will definitely occur in every region and will continue to change every year, a...
Growth has an impact on increasing land use growth, along with population growth due to urbanization...
Ngemplak subdistrict tends to experience land changes in groups caused by the location of the sub-di...
The land use change is a process carried out to change the original land function into other functio...
Delanggu District is an area that has experienced changes in land use from initially agricultural la...
This research aims to describe land use changes and land value zone changes, analyze land use change...
Changes in land use in Nogosari District are growing due to socio-economic activities. The impact ca...
The study conducted on changes in land use was in the District of Jaten, Karanganyar Regency. Change...
The study in this study was conducted in Jogonalan District, Klaten Regency. Developments that occur...
Increasing of population will effect to economic development that need the appropriation of lands fo...
The State of Indonesia is an agricultural area, most of which consists of agricultural land where ma...