Roadway intersections are crash-prone locations and, hence, ensuring the safety of road users at intersections has been a major concern for transportation professionals. It is critical to identify the risk factors that contribute to severe crashes at intersections to implement the appropriate countermeasures. Greater emphasis is needed on two-vehicle crashes since they represent the majority of intersection crashes. In this study, a random parameter ordinal probit model was developed to estimate the contributing factors of injury severity of two-vehicle crashes at intersections. Nine years of intersection crash data in Wyoming were analyzed in this model. The study involved the investigation of the influence of a set of intersection, driver...
Problem: The occurrence and outcome of traffic crashes have long been recognized as complex events i...
The major concern about vehicle crashes has led to a great amount of research on the topic in the ro...
AbstractMany studies suggest that more crashes occur due to mixed traffic flow at unsignalized inter...
Signalized intersections are common hotspots for rear-end crashes, causing severe injuries and prope...
Intersections are commonly recognized as crash hot spots on roadway networks. Therefore, intersectio...
The safety of intersections has been the focus of many studies since intersections are considered ha...
The objective of this paper is to develop intersection crash severity prediction model using ordered...
Many studies have shown that intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway netwo...
Intersection-related crashes are associated with high proportion of accidents involving drivers, occ...
AbstractIntersection-related crashes are associated with high proportion of accidents involving driv...
It is well known that intersections are the most hazardous locations; however, only little is known ...
Intersections of an urban arterial corridor may influence crashes that occur even beyond their physi...
Intersections of an urban arterial corridor may influence crashes that occur even beyond their physi...
AbstractFactors that affect highway-related crash frequency and injury severity vary across observat...
Many studies suggest that more crashes occur due to mixed traffic flow at unsignalized intersections...
Problem: The occurrence and outcome of traffic crashes have long been recognized as complex events i...
The major concern about vehicle crashes has led to a great amount of research on the topic in the ro...
AbstractMany studies suggest that more crashes occur due to mixed traffic flow at unsignalized inter...
Signalized intersections are common hotspots for rear-end crashes, causing severe injuries and prope...
Intersections are commonly recognized as crash hot spots on roadway networks. Therefore, intersectio...
The safety of intersections has been the focus of many studies since intersections are considered ha...
The objective of this paper is to develop intersection crash severity prediction model using ordered...
Many studies have shown that intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway netwo...
Intersection-related crashes are associated with high proportion of accidents involving drivers, occ...
AbstractIntersection-related crashes are associated with high proportion of accidents involving driv...
It is well known that intersections are the most hazardous locations; however, only little is known ...
Intersections of an urban arterial corridor may influence crashes that occur even beyond their physi...
Intersections of an urban arterial corridor may influence crashes that occur even beyond their physi...
AbstractFactors that affect highway-related crash frequency and injury severity vary across observat...
Many studies suggest that more crashes occur due to mixed traffic flow at unsignalized intersections...
Problem: The occurrence and outcome of traffic crashes have long been recognized as complex events i...
The major concern about vehicle crashes has led to a great amount of research on the topic in the ro...
AbstractMany studies suggest that more crashes occur due to mixed traffic flow at unsignalized inter...