International audienceThe paper examines consequences of the reading of the HLuw. combination FONS.*311 as luliyasḫa- ‘swamp, marshland’ proposed by the author in an earlier publication. The identification suggests for the sign *311 a phonetic reading , which sheds new light on several words spelled with the sign and the contexts in which they appear. In particular, the word (*476.*311)ḫi-ru-r- (ASSUR letter f+g, § 7) can now be re-read as (*476)ASḪA-ḫi-ru-r- and recognized as a derivative based on the Luw. counterpart of Hitt. išḫaḫru- (ēšḫaḫru-) ‘tear’; the sign *476 can be identified, accordingly, as an ideogram/logogram for ‘eyes’ (§ 2). § 3 discusses *wala- unta and other verbal forms in -unta suggesting that they most probably represe...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
International audienceThe paper examines consequences of the reading of the HLuw. combination FONS.*...
International audienceThe first part of the paper (§§1-3) discusses phonetic reading of Hieroglyphic...
In this paper, I will re-examine the evidence for the interpretation of a complex compound logogram ...
Actes de la conférence internationale "Origins of Early Writing Systems" , October 5 to 7, 2007,Peki...
Actes de la conférence internationale "Origins of Early Writing Systems" , October 5 to 7, 2007,Peki...
In Vertegaal 2017, it was argued that plene spellings (〈CV-V〉 sign sequences) in Hieroglyphic Luwian...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
International audienceThe paper examines consequences of the reading of the HLuw. combination FONS.*...
International audienceThe first part of the paper (§§1-3) discusses phonetic reading of Hieroglyphic...
In this paper, I will re-examine the evidence for the interpretation of a complex compound logogram ...
Actes de la conférence internationale "Origins of Early Writing Systems" , October 5 to 7, 2007,Peki...
Actes de la conférence internationale "Origins of Early Writing Systems" , October 5 to 7, 2007,Peki...
In Vertegaal 2017, it was argued that plene spellings (〈CV-V〉 sign sequences) in Hieroglyphic Luwian...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...
Hatice Gonnet-Bağana's notes on the symbols and translations of Luwian language and hieroglyphic ins...