Summary /Cécile LE LAY et Guido CASTELNUOVOIntroduction /1. Dante: his culture, his readings, his interpretations /Giuliano MILANI et Antonio MONTEFUSCO“Apart from Dante’s verses”. Dantesque Path among Texts, Biographies and Archives /2. Proofreading and Dantean receptions (14th – 21st C.) /Giulia PUMASeeing Dante today. Visualizing the “Commedia”: an illumination corpus in the digitization era /Sergio CRISTALDIThe beginning of Foscolo’s reflection on Dante /3. New insights into Dante's poetic work /Alessandro BENUCCIChasing the ineffable: the ways of light in the Commedia /Massimo LUCARELLIInteractions between the penance of the “agens” and the palinode of the “auctor”: notes on repentance in Dante’s “Commedia”Ce dossier a un double but. D...