Summary /Read Dante today.A journey between France and Italy /under the supervision of Cécile Le Lay and Guido Castelnuovo /Cécile LE LAY et Guido CASTELNUOVOIntroduction /1. Dante: his culture, his readings, his interpretations /Guido CASTELNUOVO“O poca nostra nobiltà di sangue”. Some remarks on Dante, his nobilities and their reception /2. Proofreading and Dantean receptions (14th – 21st c.) /Laurent BAGGIONIReturning to Dante. The poet in his city from Boccaccio to Leonardo Bruni /Anthony DE ARAUJO-ROUSSETNerval: a Dantean reading /3. New insights into Dante’s poetic work /Cécile LE LAYBeatrice and Mary: from Vita nuova to CommediaEn tenant compte, dans la mesure du possible, de l’ampleur des renouveaux heuristiques favorisés par la prof...