[EUS] Lan honen helburua egoera posturala eta bizkarreko minaren pertzepzioaren azterketa sakonagoa egitea da. Bizkarreko min zein desoreka posturalek gaur egun duten nagusitasuna ikusita, egoera azaleratu eta honen kausak zeintzuk diren ezagutu nahi dira. Honetarako UPV-EHUko Jarduera Fisikoaren eta Kirolaren Zientzien Fakultateko ikasleen (n=25) postura-aldaketak zein bizkarreko minaren magnitudea eta pertzepzioa nolakoak diren aztertuko ditugu. Egindako analisia longitudinala izan da. Ikasketetan sartu zirenean lehenengo neurketa egin zitzaien eta ikasketen azkeneko urtean azken neurketa. QPS-200 Shekel Posture Analyzer erremintari esker pisuaren banaketaren datu numerikoak lortu ditugu. Bizkarreko mina eta pertzepzioari dagozkienez, NA...
Posturom nazivamo stav ili držanje tijela. Ne postoji univerzalni model dobre posture ali najbolja d...
to investigate the prevalence of back pain during a prior three-month period; to identify postural a...
Darba nosaukums: Ikdienas ieradumu un viscerālo tauku ietekme uz muguras lejasdaļas sāpēm cilvēkiem ...
WSTĘP: Ból kręgosłupa jest częstym problemem zdrowotnym wśród pracowników służby zdrowia, występując...
Title: Spine pains of gymnasts in selected gymnastic sports Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to ...
The back pain is a public health problem due to lifetime prevalence that increases the health system...
Posture disorders among young people is increasing zeal. These disorders are often attributed to sed...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavu bolova u donjem dijelu leđa kod stu...
Veselības sporta speciālistsIzglītība, pedagoģija un sportsHealth Sport SpecialistEducation, Pedagog...
The aim of the analysis: To evaluate the impact of kinesitherapy on abdominal muscles thickness and ...
U ovom diplomskom radu biti će opisan kineziterapijski tijek kroz 6 tjedana, te njegova uspješnost...
Dominyka Pumputytė. Change in pain and posture applying isometric exercises with neuromuscular elect...
Introduktion: WHO rekommenderar 150 till 300 minuters måttlig fysisk aktivitet i veckan. Vår populat...
Low back pain is multifactorial and can arise from dysfunction of the spinal muscles, which can trig...
The aim of the study was to determine the size of kyphosis and lumbar lordosis in women and men aged...
Posturom nazivamo stav ili držanje tijela. Ne postoji univerzalni model dobre posture ali najbolja d...
to investigate the prevalence of back pain during a prior three-month period; to identify postural a...
Darba nosaukums: Ikdienas ieradumu un viscerālo tauku ietekme uz muguras lejasdaļas sāpēm cilvēkiem ...
WSTĘP: Ból kręgosłupa jest częstym problemem zdrowotnym wśród pracowników służby zdrowia, występując...
Title: Spine pains of gymnasts in selected gymnastic sports Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to ...
The back pain is a public health problem due to lifetime prevalence that increases the health system...
Posture disorders among young people is increasing zeal. These disorders are often attributed to sed...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavu bolova u donjem dijelu leđa kod stu...
Veselības sporta speciālistsIzglītība, pedagoģija un sportsHealth Sport SpecialistEducation, Pedagog...
The aim of the analysis: To evaluate the impact of kinesitherapy on abdominal muscles thickness and ...
U ovom diplomskom radu biti će opisan kineziterapijski tijek kroz 6 tjedana, te njegova uspješnost...
Dominyka Pumputytė. Change in pain and posture applying isometric exercises with neuromuscular elect...
Introduktion: WHO rekommenderar 150 till 300 minuters måttlig fysisk aktivitet i veckan. Vår populat...
Low back pain is multifactorial and can arise from dysfunction of the spinal muscles, which can trig...
The aim of the study was to determine the size of kyphosis and lumbar lordosis in women and men aged...
Posturom nazivamo stav ili držanje tijela. Ne postoji univerzalni model dobre posture ali najbolja d...
to investigate the prevalence of back pain during a prior three-month period; to identify postural a...
Darba nosaukums: Ikdienas ieradumu un viscerālo tauku ietekme uz muguras lejasdaļas sāpēm cilvēkiem ...