Gotzon Aurrekoetxea, Jesus Mari Makazaga & Patxi Salaberri Muñoa (eds.)[EN] In this work we study some verb charts written in Basque and Spanish by Joanes Erauskin in the first middle of the 18th century. Our study is composed of two viewpoints: grammaticographic and linguistic. We look for the source of those charts and analyse the Basque terms as well as the changes of paradigms and other characteristics. Next, we write a linguistic commentary of the Basque used by Erauskin, and we conclude seating its origins in the village of Albiztur on the 18th century.[EUS] Artikulu honetan Joanes Erauskinek XVIII. mendearen lehen erdian idatzi zituen euskara-gaztelaniazko aditz taulak aztertu ditugu, hala ikuspuntu gramatikografikotik nola linguisti...
Azken urteetan, prosodia gaitasuna lantzeko beharrizana hedatu da, baina horretarako dauden baliabi...
Artikulu honetan Julian Gaiarre (1844-1890) tenor nafarrak bere izebari euskaraz idatziriko gutun fa...
In this article I will analyse how the verbal forms of the auxiliary verb *edin were described and c...
Gotzon Aurrekoetxea, Jesus Mari Makazaga & Patxi Salaberri Muñoa (eds.)[EN] In this work we study so...
Joseba A. Lakarra & José Ignacio Hualde, arg., Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in memor...
Beatriz Fernández & Pello Salaburu (arg. / eds.)[EUS] Artikulu honetan gaur arte argitaratu gabe ego...
[EN] This contribution aims at offering the list and description of the handwritten Basque grammars...
Julio Urkixo Euskal Filologi Mintegiaren Urtekariaren Gehigarriak, LI.[EN] A brief history of the Ba...
The main objective of the present study is to define a methodology to work on Basque historical lexi...
[EUS] Artikulu honek euskal literaturak eman dituen egile nagusien parametro soziolinguistikoen egu...
By means of the constant personal relationships amongst Basque-speaking people, linguistic influence...
Artikulu honetan Etxarri Aranazko euskaran erabiltzen den hikako moldearen nondik norakoak aztertzen...
In this paper I consider the chronology of the oldest identifiable loanwords that Spanish and other ...
R. Etxepare, R. Gómez & J. A. Lakarra (arg.), Beñat Oihartzabali Gorazarre - Festschrift for Bernard...
[EN] In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. ...
Azken urteetan, prosodia gaitasuna lantzeko beharrizana hedatu da, baina horretarako dauden baliabi...
Artikulu honetan Julian Gaiarre (1844-1890) tenor nafarrak bere izebari euskaraz idatziriko gutun fa...
In this article I will analyse how the verbal forms of the auxiliary verb *edin were described and c...
Gotzon Aurrekoetxea, Jesus Mari Makazaga & Patxi Salaberri Muñoa (eds.)[EN] In this work we study so...
Joseba A. Lakarra & José Ignacio Hualde, arg., Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in memor...
Beatriz Fernández & Pello Salaburu (arg. / eds.)[EUS] Artikulu honetan gaur arte argitaratu gabe ego...
[EN] This contribution aims at offering the list and description of the handwritten Basque grammars...
Julio Urkixo Euskal Filologi Mintegiaren Urtekariaren Gehigarriak, LI.[EN] A brief history of the Ba...
The main objective of the present study is to define a methodology to work on Basque historical lexi...
[EUS] Artikulu honek euskal literaturak eman dituen egile nagusien parametro soziolinguistikoen egu...
By means of the constant personal relationships amongst Basque-speaking people, linguistic influence...
Artikulu honetan Etxarri Aranazko euskaran erabiltzen den hikako moldearen nondik norakoak aztertzen...
In this paper I consider the chronology of the oldest identifiable loanwords that Spanish and other ...
R. Etxepare, R. Gómez & J. A. Lakarra (arg.), Beñat Oihartzabali Gorazarre - Festschrift for Bernard...
[EN] In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. ...
Azken urteetan, prosodia gaitasuna lantzeko beharrizana hedatu da, baina horretarako dauden baliabi...
Artikulu honetan Julian Gaiarre (1844-1890) tenor nafarrak bere izebari euskaraz idatziriko gutun fa...
In this article I will analyse how the verbal forms of the auxiliary verb *edin were described and c...