With the widespread diffusion of digital technologies and the related incorporation of electronics, computer chips and so on into the most common of households and office environments, most people use devices based on technological advances they don\u2019t really know. That\u2019s why they need their phones, computers, cameras, Mp3 players and so on to work the way they think with common sense: new technology based products should be easy to use and fit in with work practices, activity and context of consumer. Product usability is a critical dimension of product quality as perceived by users, and great attention should be granted to it in new product development process, with marketing function playing a pivotal role. The aim of the paper...
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role that ICT use in marketing plays in the processes of...
This paper calls for a merger of technology and marketing under a customer value perspective; for an...
Product and service concepts show a constant change thanks to innovation practices and theoretical e...
The technological development and successive technological revolutions have led to the emergence of ...
This study explored how usability was dealt with in four product development organizations active in...
High tech marketing face a fundamental paradox: it must help managers to elaborate strategies apt to...
The Design for Usability project aims at improving the usability of electronic professional and cons...
The main research question of the paper is to determine whether technology nowadays is overcome by ...
The concept of usability has been applied to the design and evaluation of software user interfaces i...
The Design for Usability project aims at improving the usability of electronic professional and cons...
Problem statement: Even though there is a large amount of methods for user-centred design, the usabi...
The Design for Usability project aims at improving the usability of electronic professional and cons...
In high-technology consumer markets, manufacturers integrate a growing number of technologies and fe...
Survival of a company in these times of increased global competition depends upon developing high qu...
This paper introduces the motivation for and concept of the "new usability" and positions it against...
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role that ICT use in marketing plays in the processes of...
This paper calls for a merger of technology and marketing under a customer value perspective; for an...
Product and service concepts show a constant change thanks to innovation practices and theoretical e...
The technological development and successive technological revolutions have led to the emergence of ...
This study explored how usability was dealt with in four product development organizations active in...
High tech marketing face a fundamental paradox: it must help managers to elaborate strategies apt to...
The Design for Usability project aims at improving the usability of electronic professional and cons...
The main research question of the paper is to determine whether technology nowadays is overcome by ...
The concept of usability has been applied to the design and evaluation of software user interfaces i...
The Design for Usability project aims at improving the usability of electronic professional and cons...
Problem statement: Even though there is a large amount of methods for user-centred design, the usabi...
The Design for Usability project aims at improving the usability of electronic professional and cons...
In high-technology consumer markets, manufacturers integrate a growing number of technologies and fe...
Survival of a company in these times of increased global competition depends upon developing high qu...
This paper introduces the motivation for and concept of the "new usability" and positions it against...
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role that ICT use in marketing plays in the processes of...
This paper calls for a merger of technology and marketing under a customer value perspective; for an...
Product and service concepts show a constant change thanks to innovation practices and theoretical e...