Centris (Anisoctenodes) anisitsi (Schrottky, 1908) Figs 1 A–D, 2A, 3A, 7 Hemisia anisitsi Schrottky, 1908: 141. Type data This species was described by the German entomologist Curt Schrottky (1874–1937) based on a single male specimen collected by János Dániel Anisits (1856–1911) in Asunción, Paraguay. Anisits was a Hungarian pharmacist, biologist, botanist and researcher who migrated to Paraguay after he graduated as a pharmacist in Budapest. In Paraguay he was head of the Department of Zoology and Botany at the National University. Working actively, he conducted two decades of exploration, collecting biological material and discovering several new species of plants, mainly palm and cactus (Magyarország és Latin- Amerika 2019). The ...