Steatomys parvus Rhoads, 1896. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., p. 529. TYPE LOCALITY: Ethiopia (= Abyssinia), Lake Rudolf, Rusia. DISTRIBUTION: S. Sudan; N.E. Uganda; S. Ethiopia and Somalia to Natal (South Africa); N. Botswana. COMMENT: Includes aquilo and thomasi; see Coetzee, 1977, Part 6.8:2-3. Formerly included cuppedius (see Swanepoel and Schütter, 1978, in Schütter, ed., Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist., 6: 53-76) and minutus (see Ansell, 1978:77). Yalden et al., 1976, Monitore Zool. Ital., n.s., 8(1):1— 118, included parvus in pratensis, but Coetzee, 1977, Part 6.8:2, and Swanepoel et al., 1980, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 32(7): 160, did not. ISIS NUMBER: 5301410008110008001 as S. parvus. 5301410008110001001 as S. aquilo. 530141...