This paper contains a preliminary analysis of flood risk in Mediterranean countries, conducted within the framework of the FLASH European Project. All flood events recorded between 1990 and 2006 in the Mediterranean region have been included in the study. Results of previous international projects (STORM, SPHERE, AMPHORE, RINAMED and MEDEX), as well as information provided by FLASH Project partners and data included in scientific papers were the main source used in building this database. All the above information had been dispersed in various places, and an attempt was made here to create, for the first time, a verified and complete single database for the entire Mediterranean region. The work analyses the spatial and temporal ...
Within the framework of FLOODsite, specific attention is dedicated to improve our understanding of f...
High-resolution data enabling identification and analysis of the hydrometeorological causative proce...
The contribution presents the database on floods that is being developed in the framework of the HYM...
This paper contains a preliminary analysis of flood risk in Mediterranean countries, conducted withi...
This paper contains a preliminary analysis of flood risk in Mediterranean countries, conducted withi...
This paper contains a preliminary analysis of flood risk in Mediterranean countries, conducted withi...
The NW Mediterranean region experiences every year heavy rainfall and flash floods that occasionally p...
The contribution presents the database on floods (1981-2010) that is being developed in the framewor...
Flash floods are one of the most significant natural hazards in Europe, and can cause damage to buil...
The contribution presents the database on floods (1981-2010) that is being developed in the framewor...
International audienceThis paper describes an integrated, high-resolution dataset of hydro-meteorolo...
Despite recent technological advances, many parts of the world continue to experience flood disaster...
This paper describes an integrated, high-resolution dataset of hydro-meteorological variables (rainf...
Flash floods are one of the most significant natural hazards in Europe, causing serious risk to life...
Flash floods are one of the most significant natural hazards in Europe, causing serious risk to life...
Within the framework of FLOODsite, specific attention is dedicated to improve our understanding of f...
High-resolution data enabling identification and analysis of the hydrometeorological causative proce...
The contribution presents the database on floods that is being developed in the framework of the HYM...
This paper contains a preliminary analysis of flood risk in Mediterranean countries, conducted withi...
This paper contains a preliminary analysis of flood risk in Mediterranean countries, conducted withi...
This paper contains a preliminary analysis of flood risk in Mediterranean countries, conducted withi...
The NW Mediterranean region experiences every year heavy rainfall and flash floods that occasionally p...
The contribution presents the database on floods (1981-2010) that is being developed in the framewor...
Flash floods are one of the most significant natural hazards in Europe, and can cause damage to buil...
The contribution presents the database on floods (1981-2010) that is being developed in the framewor...
International audienceThis paper describes an integrated, high-resolution dataset of hydro-meteorolo...
Despite recent technological advances, many parts of the world continue to experience flood disaster...
This paper describes an integrated, high-resolution dataset of hydro-meteorological variables (rainf...
Flash floods are one of the most significant natural hazards in Europe, causing serious risk to life...
Flash floods are one of the most significant natural hazards in Europe, causing serious risk to life...
Within the framework of FLOODsite, specific attention is dedicated to improve our understanding of f...
High-resolution data enabling identification and analysis of the hydrometeorological causative proce...
The contribution presents the database on floods that is being developed in the framework of the HYM...