FIGURE 3 Cephalothrix suni sp. nov. (A-H) transverse histological sections of the holotype: precerebral region (arrows indicate four precerebral nerves) (A); cerebral region (arrow indicates rhynchocoel vessel) (B); postcerebral region (arrow indicates median ventral nerve) (C); preoral region (arrows indicate bifurcation of the median ventral nerve) (D); mouth region (arrows indicate two buccal nerves) (E); anterior foregut region (arrows indicate two buccal nerves) (F); anterior foregut region (arrows indicate joining of the buccal nerves) (F); middle foregut region (H). (I) thick transverse section in glycerol. Abbreviations: br, brain; cv, cephalic vessel; fg, foregut; ln, lateral nerve cord; lv, lateral vessel; m, mouth; pr, proboscis;...
Chernyshev, Alexei V., Polyakova, Neonila E. (2021): An integrative description of a new Cephalothri...
Figure 5. Cephalomastax brevis Iwata, 1957, ICHUM 6267. A, anterior fragment in contracted state, la...
FIGURE 7. Carinina plecta sp. nov. Holotype, female, ZIHU3123. Drawing of a transverse section thro...
FIGURE 1. Cephalothrix suni sp. nov. (A) holotype: ventral view. (B) paratype: ventral view of the a...
Figure 1. Transverse sections to show the rhynchocoel vessel (indicated by an arrowhead) in cephalot...
FIGURE 3. Dinonemertes shinkaii sp. nov., holotype, JAMSTEC 6K549SS4, transverse sections. A. Probos...
FIGURE 4. Dinonemertes shinkaii sp. nov., holotype, JAMSTEC 6K549SS4, transverse sections. A. Brain ...
FIGURE 5. Cerebratulus orochi sp. nov., ICHUM 6078 (holotype). (A) Transverse section through poster...
FIGURE 4. Carinina plecta sp. nov. Holotype, female, ZIHU3123. Drawing of a transverse section thro...
FIGURE 3. Dushia wijnhoffae Schwartz & Norenburg sp. nov. (A, B, D) Photomicrographs of transverse s...
FIGURE 22. Hubrechtella kimuraorum sp. nov. Holotype, male, ZIHU3127. A, transverse section through...
FIGURE 17. Hubrechtella ijimai (Takakura, 1922) comb. nov., ZIHU3122, female. A, transverse section...
FIGURE 23. Hubrechtella kimuraorum sp. nov. Holotype, male, ZIHU3127. A, transverse section through...
Figure 12. The different states of division of body wall longitudinal muscle layers. A, not divided....
Figures 13–18. Cinclidonemertes mooreae fam., gen. et sp. nov. (13) Foregut region; anterior caecal ...
Chernyshev, Alexei V., Polyakova, Neonila E. (2021): An integrative description of a new Cephalothri...
Figure 5. Cephalomastax brevis Iwata, 1957, ICHUM 6267. A, anterior fragment in contracted state, la...
FIGURE 7. Carinina plecta sp. nov. Holotype, female, ZIHU3123. Drawing of a transverse section thro...
FIGURE 1. Cephalothrix suni sp. nov. (A) holotype: ventral view. (B) paratype: ventral view of the a...
Figure 1. Transverse sections to show the rhynchocoel vessel (indicated by an arrowhead) in cephalot...
FIGURE 3. Dinonemertes shinkaii sp. nov., holotype, JAMSTEC 6K549SS4, transverse sections. A. Probos...
FIGURE 4. Dinonemertes shinkaii sp. nov., holotype, JAMSTEC 6K549SS4, transverse sections. A. Brain ...
FIGURE 5. Cerebratulus orochi sp. nov., ICHUM 6078 (holotype). (A) Transverse section through poster...
FIGURE 4. Carinina plecta sp. nov. Holotype, female, ZIHU3123. Drawing of a transverse section thro...
FIGURE 3. Dushia wijnhoffae Schwartz & Norenburg sp. nov. (A, B, D) Photomicrographs of transverse s...
FIGURE 22. Hubrechtella kimuraorum sp. nov. Holotype, male, ZIHU3127. A, transverse section through...
FIGURE 17. Hubrechtella ijimai (Takakura, 1922) comb. nov., ZIHU3122, female. A, transverse section...
FIGURE 23. Hubrechtella kimuraorum sp. nov. Holotype, male, ZIHU3127. A, transverse section through...
Figure 12. The different states of division of body wall longitudinal muscle layers. A, not divided....
Figures 13–18. Cinclidonemertes mooreae fam., gen. et sp. nov. (13) Foregut region; anterior caecal ...
Chernyshev, Alexei V., Polyakova, Neonila E. (2021): An integrative description of a new Cephalothri...
Figure 5. Cephalomastax brevis Iwata, 1957, ICHUM 6267. A, anterior fragment in contracted state, la...
FIGURE 7. Carinina plecta sp. nov. Holotype, female, ZIHU3123. Drawing of a transverse section thro...