Abstract— There is an increasing trend of using municipal solid waste as an alternative energy resource, burning and converting it into energy in the form of heat or steam or electricity. The aim of this study is to predict energy value of MSW using compositional and proximate-based analysis of solid waste and compare the reliability of models in predicting the energy recovery potentials from different solid waste components. Physical characterization showed that food, yard, textile, leather, rubber, wood scrap, yard, metal, plastic and paper waste were the constituents of all waste samples in the study area, but in varying proportions. The energy content of combustible solid waste was estimated to be 17.50 MJ/kg for gross heating...
Solid waste management is one of the main problems in large cities. The determination of the quantit...
In energy recovery technology, via municipal solid waste (MSW) as an energy resource; th...
At present, the treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) by landfill and incineration approaches pos...
Abstract— There is an increasing trend of using municipal solid waste as an alternative energy resou...
This study was undertaken to estimate the energy potential of municipal solid waste via creating a r...
MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) now-a-day is considered as a precious renewable energy resource for vari...
This study determined the energy content of municipal solid waste (MSW) and derived the models for p...
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is produced and accumulated due to human activities. The waste will brin...
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is an aggregate of unwanted and discarded materials that are generated, ...
Abstract: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation has been increasing due to population growth, chang...
To facilitate the disposal of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) via thermo-chemical approaches, the accu...
In this paper, a thermogravimetric procedure is described for obtaining information on the proximate...
Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation that grows continuously without proper management become wor...
Research Articles published by Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy Vol.4, No.5, 2014A study of...
The influence of the morphological composition of solid municipal waste on their heat-technical char...
Solid waste management is one of the main problems in large cities. The determination of the quantit...
In energy recovery technology, via municipal solid waste (MSW) as an energy resource; th...
At present, the treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) by landfill and incineration approaches pos...
Abstract— There is an increasing trend of using municipal solid waste as an alternative energy resou...
This study was undertaken to estimate the energy potential of municipal solid waste via creating a r...
MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) now-a-day is considered as a precious renewable energy resource for vari...
This study determined the energy content of municipal solid waste (MSW) and derived the models for p...
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is produced and accumulated due to human activities. The waste will brin...
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is an aggregate of unwanted and discarded materials that are generated, ...
Abstract: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation has been increasing due to population growth, chang...
To facilitate the disposal of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) via thermo-chemical approaches, the accu...
In this paper, a thermogravimetric procedure is described for obtaining information on the proximate...
Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation that grows continuously without proper management become wor...
Research Articles published by Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy Vol.4, No.5, 2014A study of...
The influence of the morphological composition of solid municipal waste on their heat-technical char...
Solid waste management is one of the main problems in large cities. The determination of the quantit...
In energy recovery technology, via municipal solid waste (MSW) as an energy resource; th...
At present, the treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) by landfill and incineration approaches pos...