We present a study of the accretion flow to the intermittent accreting millisecond pulsar, HETE J1900.1-2455, based on observations made simultaneously by XMM-Newton and RXTE. The 0.33-50 keV energy spectrum is described by the sum of a hard Comptonized component produced in an optically thin τ \sime 1 corona, a soft thermal kT$_in$ \sime 0.2 keV component interpreted as accretion disc emission, and of disc reflection of the hard component. Two emission features are detected at energies of 0.98(1) and 6.58(7) keV, respectively. The latter is identified as Kα transition of Fe XXIII-XXV. A simultaneous detection in the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC-pn), EPIC-MOS2 and Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) spectra favours an astrophysica...