Taphura boulardi Sanborn, 2011a new record Taphura boulardi Sanborn 2011a: 405. (41 Km SE Roura on Kaw Rd., French Guiana) REMARKS . The claspers of T. boulardi curve dorsally and form a terminal hook. Taphura boulardi can be distinguished from all other Taphura by the five spots on the head (Sanborn 2017a). DISTRIBUTION . The species was previously known from French Guiana and Suriname (Sanborn 2011a; 2017a). MATERIAL EXAMINED . “ PERU: Dept. Loreto, 160km / NE Iquitos, Explornapo / Camp, 2 km from Rio / Napo on Rio Sucuaari / 27–31- VIII- 1992 / Castner, Skelley, et al.” one female (FSCA).Published as part of Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new ...