Dasipogon bombimorpha Rondani, 1851 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1851: 368. TYPE LOCALITY: “ regioni equatoriali dell’America, principalmente nelle vicinanze del Rio Napo [Equatorial regions of (South) America, mainly in the vicinity of Napo River]” (Rondani 1851: 357). TYPE MATERIAL: not found in this study. CURRENT STATUS: valid species, as Lastaurus bombimorpha (Martin & Papavero 1970: 29); junior synonym of Lastaurus fallax (Macquart, 1846) (Papavero 2009: 73). REMARKS: Rondani (1851: 368) described Dasipogon bombimorpha from just the female sex, giving a single measurement of length, from material collected by Osculati (1850) during his journey through equatorial South America. Osculati (1850: 240) named but did not describe the sp...