Trochus (Infundibulops) cariniferus Reeve, 1842 Trochus cariniferus Reeve, 1842 b: 165 [Beck mss], pl. 218, fig. 8. Steyn & Lussi, 1998: 24, fig. 81. Deuss et al., 2013: 136, fig. e. Type loc.: unknown, designated Mozambique Island by Herbert (1993); neotype in NHM (NHMUK 1844.6.3.448), designated by Herbert (1993: 297, figs 94–97) [one of four ‘probable syntypes’ in NHM, without provenance]. Trochus (Infundibulops) cariniferus — Herbert, 1993: 292, figs 5, 94–108 (detailed synonymy and chresonymy). Distribution. Western Indian Ocean south to central KwaZulu-Natal (Isipingo); low intertidal and shallow subtidal reefs to 20 m.Published as part of Herbert, David G., 2015, An annotated catalogue and bibliography of the taxonomy, synonymy...