Pseudominolia articulata (Gould, 1861) Margarita articulata Gould, 1861: 15. G.B. Sowerby (III), 1897: 18. Type loc.: Simon’s Bay, Cape of Good Hope [Simonstown, False Bay]; holotype in USNM (121), figured by Bartsch (1915) and Herbert (1992 a). Gibbula articulata — Bartsch, 1915: 155, pl. 25, figs 4–6 (holotype). Turton, 1932: 184, no. 1288. Solariella algoensis Thiele, 1925: 16 [50], pl. 1 [13], fig. 21. Type loc.: Valdivia St’n 101 (33 °50.5ʹS: 25 °48.8ʹE), Algoa Bay (no depth given); syntypes in ZMB. Minolia bleeki Thiele, 1925: 19 [53], pl. 1 [13], fig. 32. Type loc.: ‘Cap’ [Cape]; holotype in ZMB. Minolia articulata — Barnard, 1963 a: 233. Kensley, 1973: 40, fig. 85 [not 86]. Pseudominolia articulata — Herbert, 1992 ...